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  1. Then you'd know that it isn't, and wouldn't call it a godmode. Because it isn't.
  2. You don't even know how this works, so who are you to say? It isn't godmode anyway.
  3. Someone like you would never be able to use izanami. Izanagi on the other hand... I didn't even teleport to my house. I think you should be under izanami because of your pathetic attitude towards reality. Also, I used substitution *clone turns into a log*
  4. You don't need some sort of legal-religious ritual to show your love to your partner(s).Kamui *teleports away*
  5. I have no idea why I got summoned here, but if it has something to do with a wedding, then that's a big nope from me. As an anarchist AND as an atheist I disagree with marriage altogether. So if you're gonna have a wedding; don't invite me nor summon me, okay?
  6. @Ipsquiggle how many caves entrances should a world have? I counted 8, though it was said that 16 will be needed. I'm on an old world and cave entrances need to be spawned. What's the code for spawning them too? Because they don't seem to work and only show up for client/host when spawned in.
  7. @UnionGaming for a moment I thought that picture showed Willow giving Wilson a... Never mind >_>
  8. I'm still sctratching my head and you covering P and L letters with a line makes it all the worse. Don't think you'll get a member title by doing that dude!
  9. So what are you planning on doing exactly? Making SW into a mod for the original game?
  10. This is a game, not the real world; almost anything is possible in the virtual world! Even changing the generation of the sea and such. If it weren't possible, then people wouldn't brag on about a DLC, right? Remember it's just terrain; not something server connection based or anything, but just terrain!
  11. So, you're saying it's impossible to replace and expand the original generation of the sea to the Shipwrecked version? That sounds like nonsense to me.
  12. Tbh, as a DLC for both vanilla DS and RoG version is what would satisfy most people. Since, most of us can agree that it's better for it to add to the original experince and not replace it. So for those who don't have/don't like RoG could still play Vanilla version of Shipwrecked and those who do like and do have RoG could play with both DLCs active. Even as a DLC that would work only for RoG would satisfy more people than it being a standalone game, I bet. Though it does not seem impossible to make two versions of that DLC, so the more compatibility, the better!
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