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Character ability not working when enabling caves - Help please!

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Helloooo, I once had a post asking help to change the sewing kit uses for my character mod and it did work! Although I noticed that if I choose my character mod and enable caves for my server, the game instantly crashes and gives me the following error;


The character is totally playable when a server does not enable caves, and the programmed abilities also do work.

As it seems to point out the modmain lua as the source of the problem, here's the coding he currently has in it;


-- Sewing skills --
AddPrefabPostInit("sewing_kit", function(inst)
    inst.components.finiteuses:SetMaxUses( 2 * TUNING.SEWINGKIT_USES)
    inst.components.finiteuses:SetUses( 2 * TUNING.SEWINGKIT_USES)
	inst.components.sewing.repair_value = 2 * TUNING.SEWINGKIT_REPAIR_VALUE

I do not understand why it crashes because of the caves, so I have no idea how to fix this ;_; Please any help would be amazing, thanks! 

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        -- Client and Server code here
        if not GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim
        -- Server code here

Components generally only exist on the server.

There are replicated components and client-only components, yeah, but in this case your component only exists on the server.

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