URGENT need for compiler !


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@Lampofulmine, send me a link to the files, by forums or steam. I'll compile them tomorrow after work, and any other which come up until you get your compiler working. It's not a biggie.


@simplex, this is the cutmill from my mod IR (branch C)

Can you think of any reason why it would cut the hitbox? It isn't the only affected animation, but the most clearly one.

You can PM me ofc, or ignore this in vein and confusion/lazyness, I can't blame you


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Can you think of any reason why it would cut the hitbox? It isn't the only affected animation, but the most clearly one.

You can PM me ofc, or ignore this in vein and confusion/lazyness, I can't blame you

Can you upload the scml project folder?

EDIT: I mean, it's not like I can't decompile your anims :razz:. But checking the original is best.

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