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Is there any structured API documentation?


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Examples show how to do something. And I wonder what I can do in general. So I'm looking for full list of API functions with annotations (and examples of course, but attached to annotations). Now I see just many threads and examples and discussions about it. And common questions are: what does that function really do? what it for? how it works? and so on. Yes, it is possible to find what you want, using forum search or even google search. But it takes to much time for every unknown function. And it's good practice to have list of supported functions for modders, making their work more easier. Isn't it?

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You're not wrong. A well documented API would be very nice, but it takes a lot of work to set up a webpage/pdf/whatever for people. Klei probably doesn't have anybody available to do something like that. They have given us the entire source code for the game to use as examples. That is not ideal, it's very cumbersome to figure out, but at least it's something.

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