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  2. As far as I'm aware from what I've experienced in the community, the 10k+ health metric has been a common metric for determining a boss for being major or not, and has been part of the speedrun.com boards ever since he got them so while he isn't an outside observer, he wasn't really the one who created this metric, he just put it in place since the boards were dead before he got them.
  3. It's basically just which KU you decided to keep. If your old steam account was KU_ABCSteam and your old PS account was KU_ABCDEPS4 and you picked the PS one as the "primary" then your old steam KU would be deleted and your new KU on steam would be KU_ABCDEPS4. You shouldn't need PS Plus to do that on steam, it's totally on our end. I could see the opposite - where PS doesn't pick up that your KU has changed because you don't have PS Plus - but I can't think off the top of my head of what would cause what you're describing. I suggest reaching out to support and giving them the details (including both KUs) so we can follow up further. Tell them I sent you so they know to loop me in once they've gathered all the basic info and checked the common issues.
  4. This isn't bait, I was streaming to my friends when I did the run in my DS/DST speedrunning server (Magicanes you know who you all are) when I got my day 50 PB non-seeded non-damage run, we don't really respect the rest of the DST "Speedrunning" community so our runs aren't shared outside the sever.
  5. Lie: "the hardest DST challenge ever, completed" Modesty: "the hardest DST challenge ever completed" Know the difference.
  6. ppl are being keyboard warriors. like this is still impressive even if you took the optimal strats. it's cool that it can be done.
  7. I do think "Hardest DST Challenge ever" was hyperbole/clickbaity on purpose. You can always make things harder for yourself if you want... Like, I dunno, do this exact same challenge, but with Wendy and without Abigail. "Hardest challenge ever" is kinda like a speedrunner saying, "This is the best time ever. The category is done. Nobody will ever beat it." It's more like a statement of "OMG I did it! this was stupidly hard and I'm so proud of myself!" than a statement that should be taken literally. This was a very hard challenge and Guile has all the right to be proud of it.
  8. Tbh, if Klei wanted to make things easier for solo players without making things easier/harder for multiple players, they'd probably ignore everything in this thread. Instead, what they'd probably do would be to add a toggle in world generation (similar to how we have toggles for certain mechanics, like Wildfires and whatever), which lets you increase/decrease boss health... So if someone wanted bosses to have less health, they'd just change that in world generation and that would be that. No need to do any specific mechanic that depends on the number of players or whatever, that sounds like too much trouble for something that will certainly get complaints no matter how it is implemented... A world gen toggle to make bosses squishier/tankier OTOH would solve the entire problem and that would be that. I don't personally think it's necessary, but I also don't play solo, so I dunno. I just think it's the more logical solution Klei would go for if they wanted an update that makes things easier for solo players without affecting the people who prefer things the way they are.
  9. How are you supposed to create something that's as difficult for "veteran gamers" as it is for "the experienced"? Those are two entirely different groups. I like the difficulty in solo, yet you're saying that it's "unreasonably difficult". You aren't asking for it to be as difficult for me as it is for you, you're asking for it to be the difficulty you want, without any care for what I want. Fight the easier bosses if the harder ones are too hard, or do something to make the harder bosses easier like using minions, cheese, buffs, etc. This is literally every boss and also every single mechanic, inherently, because the game is multiplayer. Because the thing you guys are proposing is even worse. Bosses should scale in multiplayer like they do with Klaus. Klaus summons the spells underneath the player's feet, and when he summons krampii he summons them on the player. Because of this, those things naturally get multiplied with more players. Klaus doesn't just do his boring autoattack until he sees that there's multiple players then he decides to start actually trying because before this he didn't actually care if he died for some reason, so now he's going to start casting spells. And also magically gain a lot of damage resistance for some reason. No it doesn't. If someone ever triggers something that they could perceive as "bad" because they were "doing too good", then they will complain about "being punished for doing well". Unless you're suggesting something that is impossible to achieve and may as well not be implemented, there will inevitably be people that complain about it. I'd much rather they simply add more bosses of varying difficulties instead of essentially add entirely new bosses by reworking every single boss and giving it a weird trigger to start the different version of the fight with. And how would that even work with its health? If you got a boss to 2% health then accidentally triggered its frenzy is it at full health now and it's just infuriating and guaranteeing a loss against worse players who weren't expecting it? Does it not heal so nobody actually engages with the frenzy system and just gets bosses to 2% health before frenzying them to get the rewards without actually fighting the harder boss? How are you supposed to know this is a mechanic to begin with if the thresholds are high enough where it won't accidentally trigger? What if you want to fight the frenzied version without having enough DPS to trigger it? It's just worse in every way than simply adding more bosses instead of fake adding more bosses but hiding it behind this arbitrary system.
  10. Facts. I cringed so hard when guille used status announcement to count his 40 twigs, like dude, go practice math or something.
  11. Today
  12. I mean... I don't think the "extra shard" argument is that relevant... I mean, if your PC can't handle running Caves, then you just play without it. If your PC can handle running caves, then there is no reason to not run it, because your PC can run it in the first place. So like... I dunno, I don't feel like it matters much? If you can run it you run. If you can't run it you don't. I don't think anyone runs Caves with a barely-good-enough PC that ends up lagging on the entire game a bit due to running 2 shards? I think those people would just prefer to run without Caves as that would be more convenient for their play experience. As for what the caves offer VS what ocean offers... Uhn... Well, I dunno how it works for experienced players, but Caves are an easy source of Lightbulbs and Vegetables, which already makes them great for me (I dunno how to make farms, so getting easy mushrooms on caves is great). Meanwhile Ocean is just... Well, I dunno? I know the Lunar Island exists, and it has things people care for. And I think some stuff related to bananas, monkey raids and whatnot also exist? I dunno a thing about it. It sounds complicated and scary to go after because I'll need to spend I dunno how long making a boat and exploring it and figuring out how to make use of the Ocean stuff, while Caves is as straight-forward as having Lightbulbs and Mushrooms and that by itself already makes it great (and I know the Ruins also have Gears and some stuff leading to Ancient Guardian and whatever, but I never went to Ruins, so I dunno what's the deal with the Ancient Guardian, I just know it exists). Oh, and Batlisks are an easy source of food too... Not as good as Spiders, but definitely easier to handle than a Tier 3 Spider den and its stupid spider warriors and its occasional queen. So... At least from a new player's perspective, I'd say the caves offer a lot more than the Ocean does. It's very easy to see what the Caves offer and how to make use of it, while the Ocean feels more complicated and much less intuitive, so... Having a QoL update that gives us something to make new players more willing to go to the ocean sounds like a good idea to me. Easiest thing on the top of my head would be changing how Lunar Island placement works? Maybe if it's easy to find out where the Lunar Island is just by exploring the ground, it could feel like it's worth it to make a boat to figure out what that thing is... Instead of... I dunno, what was the way to find Lunar Island again? You had to explore the whole map and find out a portion that looked like a "C", and the Lunar Island would be there, making the "C" become an "O" or something? I remember seeing something like it in a video that was a newbie tutorial, but I kinda forgot the details, and the video didn't explain what was so good about the Lunar island anyways, so... I don't know why it is important.
  13. Still, the danger of being insane is to be atacked by shadows made of nightmare fuel, would feel artificial to fight a boss made of fuel, called ancient fuelweaver, with the nightmare phase locked and not seeing any shadow at low sanity Being atacked by shadows is more punishing than few seconds of stun. Even less when you can spam something like WP to prevent his healings during the stun or to telepuff to avoid the mechanic
  14. I wouldn't call this the hardest dst challenge ever Walter is a baby mode character if you never get hit, not to mention Woby making the challenge of traversal a breeze, I did a run like this with Wes (pb 50 days) his meager sanity pool and non-existent damage makes boss "fights" actual fights, not to mention his slow working and susceptibility to the elements makes going fast without taking actual true damage difficult (but not impossible for me, obviously) get gud. p.s I don't need to cheat to get a lazy explorer, I just deal with it or reset p.p.s I don't need a bunch of client mods to make up for my skill issue
  15. I've played this one and it dosen't hold a candle to what Guille achieved. I'm pissing my bed just thinking about trying his challenge out.
  16. it is worth noting that guille is the main moderator of the don't starve together speedrun.com leaderboards. he is not an outside observer
  17. It’s not that “broad” it’s kinda specific if you look at the context. I’m pretty sure Major bosses is what speedrun.com calls all bosses with over 10k hp.
  18. if we want to go by HP in this very particular way, then one would have to count it. either that or just dont name the category something as broad as all major bosses lol
  19. you are most likely to have planar stuff by the time it spawns, it's about by how much does it's hp need to get decreased for it to die and no one'd run it anyway because waiting for day 75 isn't remotely fun
  20. Nice job! I always wondered if someone could do a no hit run, nice to see someone actually complete this challenge.
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