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Hamlet Wish List

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I want a pet shop where a bird cage, bird trap and different birds can be purchased.  Silk is so rare and hard to find that my dream of having all of the new birds trapped in bird cages around my home is just that…a hopeless dream.

Mushrooms are too dang hard to find.  I think mushrooms should grow and regrow in the cave clefts.

Enable the thermal stone please?  I’m not a skilled player.  Food is a tiny bit scarce. Cooked food is more useful and I really want to use the portable grill mod but for that I need the thermal stone. ALSO if I make ROG compatible with Hamlet I have no thermal stone there either...  Carrots!  Can we please have carrots back too?

Please please please make the walking stick an item in this DLC?  

Create an option in the world menu so I can choose the number of hedge gardens in Pig Town?  I need a least three to make the economics work for me at my playing level.

There is a balance between making a game frustrating enough to be fun and so frustrating that you give up on it as a lost cause.  Okay, okay.  I admit it.  I’m a mandrake dependent player.  I want mandrakes on the first island in this game very badly.  I am also a bad player.  I played over 200 hours and never made it to Day 30.


Thanks for making this DLC!  I love it!

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6 hours ago, zozobraswife said:

Silk is so rare and hard to find

Please please please make the walking stick an item in this DLC?  

Chopping down the cocooned trees gives 1-2 silk depending on the size and digging up the stump gives 1 silk spidermonkeys don't respawn so you don't lose anything and if your scared they will kill you just bring pig guards and get them to fight for you 

And there's a walking cane like item called the stalking stick you make it by drying a flytrap stalk which drops from the snap tooth flytrap 

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35 minutes ago, Computer-7 said:

Chopping down the cocooned trees gives 1-2 silk depending on the size and digging up the stump gives 1 silk spidermonkeys don't respawn so you don't lose anything and if your scared they will kill you just bring pig guards and get them to fight for you 

And there's a walking cane like item called the stalking stick you make it by drying a flytrap stalk which drops from the snap tooth flytrap 

yeah but there's the oddity shop that sells walrus tusks, dragonfly scales, deerclops' eyeballs, downfeathers etc.
It's kinda useless unless you add the recipes back in

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1 hour ago, Computer-7 said:

Chopping down the cocooned trees gives 1-2 silk depending on the size and digging up the stump gives 1 silk spidermonkeys don't respawn so you don't lose anything and if your scared they will kill you just bring pig guards and get them to fight for you 

Spider Monkey's do respawn, but not in the way spiders do. So long as one spider monkey remains they will respawn, just like beefalo. 

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i would like to see a new backpack it could be like a boss drop from the pugalisk it could have 2 slots less than the krampus sack and i'd be named something like scalepack and i'd slow you down when you're wet and when it's hot you'd swet and well you'd be slowed down i mean i don't know just a thought

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8 hours ago, FuffledBeeQueen said:

yeah but there's the oddity shop that sells walrus tusks, dragonfly scales, deerclops' eyeballs, downfeathers etc.
It's kinda useless unless you add the recipes back in

Now, hear me out on this. When this DLC is finished and available for purchase, this particular shop will be a way to reward players who have all the pieces of Don't Starve DLC (RoG,Shipwrecked and Hamlet) and those who decide to start in Hamlet. Because the only problem with getting these items is a small financial hurdle, you can buy them and then head to their respective creation origins and make them there. No need to fight any difficult boss. Plus, I imagine that there will be a way to travel to both RoG and Shipwrecked from Hamlet.

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