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Astronaut returns with starting stats

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My first rocket has just returned from it's mission to the Organic Mass.  While working to setup the area to be used for my Gassy Moos, I noticed my astronaut seemed a little slow while moving around.  This is a duplicant I've had since the start of my 1500+ cycle base, so her athletics skill, along with most others, was maxed out.  So I checked her stats and discover that all natually skilled up abilities have been lost.  I still have all job related bonuses, however my athletics and other skills are now at their base values.  Is this a known issue?  It seems like a pretty major oversight.  (Also, reloading did not fix the issue).

Dug through a few save files to get screenshots.  Apparently this happens as soon as they enter the rocket, as in one save it hadn't launched yet.  I had to deconstruct the command capsule to even get the dupe out, but her stats had already been reverted.





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This should be hotfixed right away

Eah.. it can wait...the rocket launch is for late game only when you don't have resources.. This is not the case if you start a new game because the old one works very slow and you wait for insane amounts of time for the game saving and loading....

I am testing my theory and melting anything I don't use, and evacuate the lava into space for solid disposal...When i will reach 1370 cycle i will compare the old game loading time whit the new one.

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17 minutes ago, tzionut said:

Eah.. it can wait...the rocket launch is for late game only when you don't have resources.. This is not the case if you start a new game because the old one works very slow and you wait for insane amounts of time for the game saving and loading....

I am testing my theory and melting anything I don't use, and evacuate the lava into space for solid disposal...When i will reach 1370 cycle i will compare the old game loading time whit the new one.

ah.  yea I am far from launching my rocket. hope it gets fixed before I get around to it.  (im using an old save from EU that is before the RU release. didn't feel the need or reason to restart since only difference was the lime added to the map)

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didn't feel the need or reason to restart since only difference was the lime added to the map

For me it was. I test if i can cover whit bunker tiles all the void surface without using tamed creatures...It seem you can much faster then the EU version. In my old game started in CU.. i finish to cover all the surface (whit various version of pacu farm) by cycle 1200... whit fossils and rushing steel production I started in cycle 180 and finish at 290 cycle..The difference is lost and lots of regolith accumulated on the surface...In the CU game in a small corner I cleaned 12500 tones...In the RU...all the regolith in the void area is 8500 tones....The difference is feel in the loading time and in the flow of the game....

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