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Vacuum and machine inventory interaction

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Hello there fellow dupe lovers.

I'm not sure how well this is known, but I'm just going straight to the point and share my findings.

We all know by now that debris on floor heats up the environment and the floor itself, if its in vacuum - only floor.


Now you start thinking, well I just have to put all of that in a storage compactor that is in vacuum and it wont give out heat anymore.

Not quite...


When you insert something into a Storage Compactor™, the items inside still count as "laying on the floor". The screenshots above illustrates this well, you can still select everything that is inside the Compactor. Thus they still heat up the floor, even if its in vacuum. Unless floor is abyssalite or the Compactor is mid air. There is no interaction with the items inside and the Compactor itself.

Now this, it seems, is a rule for everything that can hold anything inside itself.


The machines themselves do not heat up at all, both screenshots are in vacuum, but the tile underneath them does.

In bathroom case it seems that water sits on those metal tiles and exosuit on oxygen.


Now this seems was the case with my, few days ago, post about mysterious heating up in my dining hall.


Thank you for your time! And keep duping!

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To quote @Sevio on this:

On 23.7.2018 at 10:36 AM, Sevio said:

As far as the game is concerned, they are considered "debris" that occupies the building's "base" tile. For an auto sweeper that is the tile where the sweeper arm is attached, for the metal refinery and glass forge it is the central bottom tile. For a loader, the "base" tile is the tile with the conveyor port.

The "debris" will obey the same temperature exchange rules as real debris, it will interact only with the tile it's on (vacuum) and with the tile below it (insulated abyssalite or vacuum) and therefore not change temperature.


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