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'Do now' option

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A lot of times, I want my dupes to do certain things at certain times. Like right now, I want them to submit a bio scan and they just wont do it. I turned their priorities down, put any other tasks on a low priority, and set the door to level 9 but they still aren't.


I'd recommend a way to get a dupe to do something as soon as they finish their previous task/stop their previous task.

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There was a point where there was a * priority.  A * priority would override job priorities, making priority 9* be greater than any other priority 9, but a priority 8* wouldn't override priority 9.  I think this would be a good thing to introduce again.

I also think that an option to order a specific dupe to do a specific job immediately would be a good idea.

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7 hours ago, Siilvy said:

A lot of times, I want my dupes to do certain things at certain times. Like right now, I want them to submit a bio scan and they just wont do it. I turned their priorities down, put any other tasks on a low priority, and set the door to level 9 but they still aren't.


I'd recommend a way to get a dupe to do something as soon as they finish their previous task/stop their previous task.

That is actually strange and not working as intended. And they actually do the thing with highest sub-priority when their job priorities are turned off. I noticed that in those kind of situations there is an obstacle that won't let them do something. Eg.: i order them to sweep and they don't do it, and then it dawns on me that I have no storage room left.

There is also a checkbox in priorities window that makes dupes behave more strictly to your rules or something. Haven't tried it myself yet. Finally there is a move available in dupes' stats window which interrupts what he is doing right now and makes him go to set destination.

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On 7/1/2018 at 2:35 AM, Oozinator said:

I have not that problem. I use rarely higher prio then 7 and 8-9 are my "do now" prios..

The issue with that is that priority 9 doesn't make your cook dig out the rock that is trapping your duplicant in the chlorine room, even if he is right next to it.  The miner will have to leave what ever he is doing and get all the way back before the trapped dupe suffocates.  And he might not make it in time.  I would like a way to do this without having to change my duplicant's personal priorities.

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On 6/30/2018 at 7:02 PM, Siilvy said:

A lot of times, I want my dupes to do certain things at certain times. Like right now, I want them to submit a bio scan and they just wont do it. I turned their priorities down, put any other tasks on a low priority, and set the door to level 9 but they still aren't.


I'd recommend a way to get a dupe to do something as soon as they finish their previous task/stop their previous task.

I would like to see something like this.  But I would have it so that only one task can be assigned to this priority.  Setting a new task to the "Do It Now" priority would change the previous task with the "Do It Now" priority to priority 9.  Otherwise this priority would become the new priority 9.

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