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Storing eggs ?

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On 12/06/2018 at 12:43 AM, gelat said:

How do I store eggs so they don't hatch and turn into shell? Putting in storage  doesn't work, and turning off storage and setting fridge to raw egg doesn't either. 

You can't.


5 minutes ago, Prince Mandor said:

AFAIK you cannot store critter eggs, they either became critters and leave shell and baby critter, or cracks by itself, leaving shell and raw eggs for food. But possibly I'm wrong

This is correct, If they are in storage, on a rail they will eventually become non-viable and crack into egg shell and raw egg. Otherwise they will hatch. There is a bug where you can use shipping and a bridge, once an egg goes over a bridge it begins to incubate meaning you can loop it. But i think that was patched

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