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Food & translations

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We're currently working to improve the french translation for oni and I have a question about Meal Lice and Mealwoods. How are we supposed to translate it to remain as close as possible to what the devs had in mind?

- Lice as in parasit sucking living beings' blood (ie: keeping the idea of a living being on the branch)
- But what about "meal" in this context ? It could be interpreted as snack/lunch/food or as dough/cereal/grain.

Considering the description "an oddly wriggly grain that can be harvested", both could be valid.


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My shot with the "meal" would be the connection to the mealworm. Mealworms are one of the main important insects to be cultivated and eaten in human nutrition.


So I guess it is not meant to be related with the "dish", "lunch" or "meal" but rather a hint towards the mealworm. In ONI a grain-worm-hybrid of sorts.

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Thanks for the feedback. I'm getting a better idea now.

The common name for mealworm is "ver de farine" in french (which could be translated back to "flour worm", don't ask why). I think i'll go for "pou de farine" ('flour lice') to keep things understandable.

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So for me ( I'm french too)
I will use:
Mealwoord: Arbre a poux (ou ver de farine)
Meal Lice: pourquoi pas " Grappe de Poux" ou "Grappe de ver de farine". ( Grappe peut être remplacé par un terme désigné le fruit pour exprimer le fait que ça soit un fruit d'un arbre : Grappe, Grain, Fruit, Cocon...) For me Mealwood, must be refering to a tree and not the animal. IRL we got some tree call in french " arbre à papillon"  (butterfly tree, because he attract butterfly, so may be mealwood attract Lice or Flour Worm)
Liceloaf: Pain de Poux.
Melwood Seed : Graine d'arbre à Ver de farine
@krop Si besoins d'idée encore hésite pas sur d'autre terme

Sorry for french in this post but it's abou translation  ;)

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28 minutes ago, Saturnus said:

Personally I see meallice as akin to Mealmoth larvae that you use as fish food

But you wouldn't feed your duplicants with it ;)

1 hour ago, Hasharin said:

@krop Si besoins d'idée encore hésite pas sur d'autre terme

Translations for meals / animals / plants are the hardest. We try to find things close to the original description/name which can be easily understood.

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