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Is something wrong with the Water Cooler?

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So today I discovered those giant Freezers (The ones that need Hydrogen to chill a huge area) and was very impressed by what they can do.

With this, I decided to place they hydro coolers next to one. (Those things that cool the water through them while heating the area)

But it completely overheats itself, it's supposed to create +50W of heat energy, while the giant freezer is creating -400W of heat. I think we can all use basic math to see what machine should be winning, here.

So I think it's a bug, but I want to make sure I'm not alone here before reporting it as such.

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Ideally you should submerge the aquatuners, however it wouldn't work well in this case because most liquids would freeze next to the hydrogen cooler. The problem with your set up is probably that most gases are not thermally conductive, and it is also hard to store large amounts of heat energy in gas because it is usually in much smaller quantities of mass than liquid is. 

What I do for my aquatuners is submerge them in most of my polluted water production, which then goes into a pump to be deleted or turned into clean water by the water distiller. Either method will remove the heat and let you run aquatuners easily without overheating. I don't actually think you can run an aquatuner at full capacity and not have it submerged unless it's at extreme pressures.

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Doesn't the aquatuner generate 50W of heat and then also transfer the heat from the liquid flowing through it to it's environment as well?  10kg/s of polluted water is 10000 grams/second *6 joules/gram * 14 Kelvin difference = 840 KW.  840 Kw is ten times the capacity of the new cooler, even with the 200 hidden multiplier.

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11 hours ago, ICKA said:

Ideally you should submerge the aquatuners, however it wouldn't work well in this case because most liquids would freeze next to the hydrogen cooler. The problem with your set up is probably that most gases are not thermally conductive, and it is also hard to store large amounts of heat energy in gas because it is usually in much smaller quantities of mass than liquid is. 

I honestly didn't even think to submerge it in the water, that might help. I'll be trying this, thank you.


11 hours ago, Risu said:

That's -400W distributed over 16 cells though. It'd take time for that energy sink to move heat away from the aquatuner, time that the aquatuner doesn't have.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time, I guess I jumped the gun.

Thanks for the info.

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I would submerge the aquanter and the crystal coolers in a isolated room with hydrogen, then let it first cool down a while before using the aquatuner. Water is not an option as it will freeze. Put a thermo switch in there to shut off the aquanter before it overheats.

Basically it is the same principle with any accelerated cooling system in ONI: You completely isolate the active cooling devices (regulator/aquatuner) and the passive cooling devices (wheezewarts/crystal) and submerge then in a thermal conductive gas or liquid (hydrogen). Then you let the passive cooling magically destroy the heat of the active cooling devices over time.

The aquatuner is in principle the same as a regulator in that regard. The differences are that the aquatuner can also be submerged in liquid, for example to boil water, which you do not want to do in this example. Also it obviously moves liquids and not gases. Another, often overlooked difference is that it is 2x as efficient as the regulator in terms of energy consumption as it cools 10x the mass for only 5x the power.

14 hours ago, Risu said:

That's -400W distributed over 16 cells though. It'd take time for that energy sink to move heat away from the aquatuner, time that the aquatuner doesn't have.

Did you test this? I assume that the aquatuner can be used just like the regulator and the cystals just like wheezewarts. You obviously shut the aquatuner down before the hydrogen reaches 95C to keep the warts working. Or in the case of the crystals before it overheats. The uptime of the active cooler is dependent on the passive cooler just like in any regulator/warts cooling system (hydrogen bubbler for example).

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