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Remove/move selected resources from storage

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My apologies if this was already talked about or is already in the game.:

There probably should be a way to hand pick each resource and remove it from the storage. For example, when I dig up slime or pickup contaminated dirt, it gets tossed in the storage with everything and then emits polluted oxygen. In a perfect world, I would want to be able to look at the contents of the storage and move the items that can cause pollution  to another storage unit without the other stuff being touched. 

tldr: move items from storage on command.

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3 hours ago, Broranda said:

 I thought of this too but the slime is still an organic. So if I uncheck organic, that means nothing organic will be put in that box.

Click on the arrow by the category (Organic) and it'll display the specific types of material. You can then uncheck Polluted Dirt, Slime and Rot from it and have specific Storage with only those selected.

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Another option is priority. Dupes will take items from a lower-priority container to a higher-priority one, even if they have the same settings. You can use this to have an always-full container near a work site with a larger "source" stash deeper in the base, or to temporarily change priorities and hustle material from one area to another.

Definitely didn't see the drop-down arrows on my first playthrough, though. Once you start using that, it's a lot easier to sort things.

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