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Is it intentional that water purifiers break from clean water?

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Valve operating at 1 Kg/s, no temperature problems. Intake, outtake, power - check.

...why can't clean water just travel through the sand out the other side?20170325165249_1.thumb.jpg.b9bdc028648f0d753f200dc4790fd635.jpg

I connected another patch of polluted water, used a liquid valve, and sure enough, when ONLY polluted water went through the purifier it stopped breaking. Shouldn't this only apply to other liquids you incorrectly try to feed through the machine?




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1 hour ago, AlexRou said:

Cuz thats how it works for everything, if you pipe the wrong liquid/gas it starts to break.

Applying complexity formulae....

Sand Basis: (+30% complexity) minimal water purification, minimal glass element, minimal gem basis.

So, you need silica to make up based on this formulae, and due to the complexity, it would be 30% more able to break down, not extreme case. In addition, due to the minimal cleaning element, it would result in minor amounts of chlorine gas. Quartz, however, would upgrade the breakdown to regular intervals, possibly a 30% breakdown chance per day, and output silica in equal supplies as well.



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1 hour ago, AlexRou said:

Cuz thats how it works for everything, if you pipe the wrong liquid/gas it starts to break.

That makes sense :D

34 minutes ago, Developous said:

Applying complexity formulae....

Sand Basis: (+30% complexity) minimal water purification, minimal glass element, minimal gem basis.

So, you need silica to make up based on this formulae, and due to the complexity, it would be 30% more able to break down, not extreme case. In addition, due to the minimal cleaning element, it would result in minor amounts of chlorine gas. Quartz, however, would upgrade the breakdown to regular intervals, possibly a 30% breakdown chance per day, and output silica in equal supplies as well.

That doesn't.....:?

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It's extremely complicated, but here It goes - altercations in physics are possible based on the symbolic contents of the factors involved.

So... I took the symbolic values of sand, and translated them.

That's just the first factor of the formulae.

Here's another example, but there's a recent post on it:

Copper Basis: Conductance, Energy, Integrity.

Get the picture? This is the simple factor.

But in this case, sand  is just a basic resource, and silica then quartz are upgrades. You would need a lot of sand to upgrade to a silica, then quartz would require copper in this case.

translating polluted water: Filth, Water, Heavy.

So, to compromise, under my formulae, you need chlorine. But I have a factory idea for that - look on the industry post.

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I guess the game being alpha is the main reason why things are working this way and it will hopefully be refined to individual responses, such as this:

Clean water to Water purifier just passes through without using filtration medium but still using power.

Clean Water to Fertilizer Maker consumes the water and power but doesn't produce any fertilizer. 

Contaminated water to electrolyzer produces contaminated oxygen instead of clean (the reserve bottle only fills with clean water, so any incoming contaminated water is processed immediately without storing).

Contaminated water to showers doesn't get rid of dupe's grimy status and produces contaminated oxygen.

Contaminated water to lavatory breaks it and causes it to produce contaminated oxygen until it is repaired.

Of course from list of available liquids this is just clean vs contaminated water. Things should still simlply break if you route e.g. liquid oxygen to them.


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