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German Translation wtf?

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Just downloaded the game for my daughters tablet because she enjoys watching me play the game on my computer. I play the English version but my daughters English is not good enough for that. So I choose to test the app in German but I was so confused after that.

It seems like you used google translator for your German version.

It translates for example "log" to "processing protocol" or "Chest" turns out to be a "Breast" in German.

So you really need to look over that.

If you need any help, I would volunteere as tribute, so that my daughter can play the game with out being lost in translations ^^


Greetings from Germany 


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Action verbs are very poorly translated. They're inconsistent, using infinitives ( STRINGS.ACTIONS.MAKEBALLOON ), present indicatives in first person ( STRINGS.ACTIONS.READ ), and imperatives in both singular ( STRINGS.ACTIONS.PICKUP ) and plural ( STRINGS.ACTIONS.PICK ). Some verbs are translated as nouns ( STRINGS.ACTIONS.DROP.PLACELANTERN,  STRINGS.ACTIONS.TOGGLE_DEPLOY_MODE.TURRET,  STRINGS.ACTIONS.DEPLOY,  STRINGS.ACTIONS.SLEEPIN ), while others are translated as adjectives ( STRINGS.ACTIONS.DRY,  STRINGS.ACTIONS.RUMMAGE.GENERIC ). STRINGS.ACTIONS.MINE is translated as "my". STRINGS.ACTIONS.MURDER is translated as "killer". STRINGS.ACTIONS.BURY isn't even translated.

Other than verbs: Willow's name is translated ( STRINGS.CHARACTER_NAMES.willow and STRINGS.NAMES.WILLOW ). Woodie is "The lumberjacks" (plural) according to his title ( STRINGS.CHARACTER_TITLES.woodie ) whereas Wickerbottom and Wigfrid are now males ( STRINGS.CHARACTER_TITLES.wickerbottom,  STRINGS.CHARACTER_TITLES.wathgrithr ). Wickerbottom hates "waste" (STRINGS.CHARACTER_DESCRIPTIONS.wickerbottom ). WX-78's description says it can be upgraded with "Ausrüstung", while STRINGS.NAMES.GEARS is translated with "Zahnräder".

STRINGS.NAMES.BOARDS is translated as "gallery". "Thulecite" is inconsistenly translated as "Thulezit" or "Thulecite". Hyphenation is also inconsistent (see STRINGS.NAMES.TRUNK_SUMMER vs STRINGS.NAMES.TRUNK.WINTER).

(All directly from scripts/strings_de.lua, I haven't had the time to check everything in-game. This is not meant to be a complete list.)

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