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I was wondering if I could get some assistance on a few perks. 

* How can you consume a normally non-consumable item and get your character to gain health from it such as Dark Petals?

* Make it so your character has more/less natural protection due to the more or less hunger they have. i.e if a character was at 130/150 hunger they'd get a 25% buff from damage, but if they were at 15/150 hunger they'd take 30% more damage. 

* Can you inversely insulate a beard? i.e cools you in summer and winter instead of providing cold protection in winter 

* Instantly die at 0 hunger.

Also I was working on making it so the character has increased damage at night, normal damage at dusk, and less damage in the day but the code I was using doesn't seem to work for DST. It gives me the following error:



I've uploaded a copy of the mod down below. Any help at all would be very appreciated!


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1. give the prefab the edible component, and make it a foodtype that only your character can eat

2. you can do this by listening to the "hungerdelta" event

3. not sure

4. listen for "startstarving" event

inst:ListenForEvent("startstarving", function(inst)
	if inst.components.health then

Issue: GetClock():IsNight() is not in DST you have to do TheWorld.state.isnight

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1. I tried doing a 

  inst.components.eater:SetDiet( { FOODGROUP.OMNI }, { FOODTYPE.SHADOW } )
  inst.components.eater:SetOnEatFn( oneat )

but it just ended up crashing the game. 

2. What would be the code for the buff?  Is it similar to           

             inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = #

3. That's alright, thank you!
4. That's perfect! 

That completely fixed it and it's working like a charm. Many thanks for your help so far!

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3. You could try inst.components.beard.insulation_factor = -1 or some other negative number. This should increase your insulation in the summer (keeping you cold for a longer time) and decrease your insulation in the winter (keeping you warm for a shorter time).

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2. (i didn't test it but it should work)

inst:ListenForEvent("hungerdelta", function(inst, data)
	local damagepercent = data.newpercent - .7
	if damagepercent >= 0 then--ranges from +0% to +30% damage buff
		inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1 + damagepercent-- 1 + X, change the 1 to the base damage your character has if any

inst:ListenForEvent("attacked", function(inst, data)
	local hunger = inst.components.hunger and inst.components.hunger:GetPercent() or nil
	if hunger and hunger <= 0.3 and data.damage ~= 0 then--ranges from 0% to 30% extra damage
		local extradamage = data.damage * (.3 - hunger)
		inst.components.combat:GetAttacked(data.attacker, extradamage, data.weapon, data.stimuli)

1. SetCanEatShadow() function doesn't exist, so you can remove that line

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7 hours ago, Muche said:

3. You could try inst.components.beard.insulation_factor = -1 or some other negative number. This should increase your insulation in the summer (keeping you cold for a longer time) and decrease your insulation in the winter (keeping you warm for a shorter time).

Thank you, I think that worked, but I'll do further testing to make sure!

5 hours ago, Aquaterion said:

2. (i didn't test it but it should work)

inst:ListenForEvent("hungerdelta", function(inst, data)
	local damagepercent = data.newpercent - .7
	if damagepercent >= 0 then--ranges from +0% to +30% damage buff
		inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1 + damagepercent-- 1 + X, change the 1 to the base damage your character has if any

inst:ListenForEvent("attacked", function(inst, data)
	local hunger = inst.components.hunger and inst.components.hunger:GetPercent() or nil
	if hunger and hunger <= 0.3 and data.damage ~= 0 then--ranges from 0% to 30% extra damage
		local extradamage = data.damage * (.3 - hunger)
		inst.components.combat:GetAttacked(data.attacker, extradamage, data.weapon, data.stimuli)

1. SetCanEatShadow() function doesn't exist, so you can remove that line


2. That works just fine, thank you very much!
1. I deleted that line but it still caused a crash without text upon booting up the server with the mod on it.

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