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The Story of Spider City

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I was bored one day and decided to play some good DST on a endless server. I choose Webber, and began getting supplies. Next to some beefalo, I found a sinkhole. Out of curiosity I went in it, to discover gods work. On the other side were many spider dens, about 20 of them. I set up my base there, and called it "Spider City". I did pretty well with it, despite only eating seeds and monster meat. Eventually, people were curious of where it was, these people had a base on the eastern side of the map, while mine was on the west. After a few days I went to them and showed them Spider City. At this time during the day, it was almost night, and most of them died or ran off since they attacked spiders. Only two survived, me and another Webber I forgot the name of, but I'll call him Moose. Moose wasn't the greatest player, usually died a lot from attacking spiders. We both did pretty well, he did not really do much, most of the time he was looking for people who would revive him or wander around. Eventually came the day when winter began. I was prepared: Had Winter Hat, Lvl 3 Beard, Thermal Stone. I was doing well, but other players on the server weren't. When the day came when the hounds attacked, I was able to rally a Queen and a ton of spiders to my aid, while on the other side the others were having trouble. At the end of the day, everyone except me was dead. The server owner, Shadow knew that it would be almost impossible to rebuild their own base, as they would freeze before they could even get to it. Shadow then decided to restart the server, so everyone could start from scratch. When I saw the disconnection screen before I left, I was sad. I am confident that I could've survived the entire winter + beyond with Spider City. Below is a screenshot of a portion of Spider City, and where I put my main base.


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