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Questions about Boulders in Rockyland biome.

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Hi, I'm now at Day 100++ in DST with a couple of my friends.


Ran out of resources, mined all the rocks, killed all the giants of all seasons.


I would like to know if I have to be in the Rockyland biome for the Meteor to occur and respawn the rocks, nitre and stuffs. I know the Desert biome has rocks but I'm mining for more nitre for gunpowder.


It's not exactly bare land but my particular map has only 2 Rockyland biomes and they are almost empty.


Also, what is there left to do in DST currently? I tried googling and found nothing, just constantly living day by day in Marshes killing tentacles, farming graves, spiders and pigs.. 



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Meteors only fall in the Mosaic biome. I have never seen or heard of them falling in Rocky biomes. 


Also, what is there left to do in DST currently?

One of the things that makes Don't Starve work the way it does is the fact that there isn't anything to do. You set your own goals, there is no endgame to speak of, even adventure mode is more of a means to getting the rest of the characters. If you have a creative imagination Don't Starve is perfect, if you like being pointed in a direction and being told "do that thing to advance" then you'll get bored of it quite quickly. 

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Meteors only fall in the Mosaic biome. I have never seen or heard of them falling in Rocky biomes. 




One of the things that makes Don't Starve work the way it does is the fact that there isn't anything to do. You set your own goals, there is no endgame to speak of, even adventure mode is more of a means to getting the rest of the characters. If you have a creative imagination Don't Starve is perfect, if you like being pointed in a direction and being told "do that thing to advance" then you'll get bored of it quite quickly. 


Hi, thanks for replying.


Mosaic biome as in this? http://dont-starve-game.wikia.com/wiki/Mosaic


I think I'll just wait for Caves and Ruins to be added in then! Thanks!

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Mosaic biome as in this? http://dont-starve-g...com/wiki/Mosaic

That's the one. Meteors tend to fall in and around the large area with "no turf". So building a base nearby will guarantee a constant threat of it being destroyed by meteor showers. 


However meteors usually fall quite often. I haven't worked out exactly what makes them tick but they "seem" to fall more often if there are few or no boulders in the biome, it also seems like the amount of meteor spawn points created on world-gen varies wildly between very few and so many that the area is always covered in resources.


I have been trying to study them a bit by living nearby but so far I still can't quite tell if it's a random pattern or if it requires something to trigger it, I've been on worlds where it showers every 2 days or so and worlds where it can go months without a single meteor... 

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Also, what is there left to do in DST currently?
shhhhh. We don't ask that question.

Basicly, the point is to survive. And keep on surviving. However, that is not so challenging, so you might want to spice it up either with mods or with world settings. Whenever I play, all I do is play a whole year then restart. 

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For me meteors have stopped falling completely! Since the update of wes I have only seen a few fall and in a few days the meteor biomes I had were empty of rocks. What's going on?! How do I go by fixing this?! Because I really need renewable fling as without it you can't make any decent weapons, so if I run out of flint, I'll have to make gold axes and kill pigs and beefalos with them just to make 1 hambat. I guess I could uae my Dark sword, but that means I constantly will need to kill shadow creatures and tree guards.

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I really need renewable fling as without it you can't make any decent weapons


Aside from the spear... what other flint based weapons are there? (staves? well, I see your point there... :T hmm...) 



I'll have to make gold axes and kill pigs and beefalos with them just to make 1 hambat.

4 monster meat -> pig = Were Pig

Were Pig = 2 meat, Pig Skin = 1 Hambat

1 Were Pig = 1 Hambat



I'll have to make gold axes

Well, they are better :3 

spider = monster meat + bird in birdcage = egg = gold

Spiders are your friends O__O

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shhhhh. We don't ask that question.

Basicly, the point is to survive. And keep on surviving. However, that is not so challenging, so you might want to spice it up either with mods or with world settings. Whenever I play, all I do is play a whole year then restart. 


Oops, so sorry. I don't play Don't Starve so I thought that someone might suggest something like caves or ruins. Then, I realized they are not out yet on DST.


I started this game with DST.


I recently bought Don't Starve RoG to familiarize myself with the new contents before they are added to DST. So now I'm waiting for updates on DST!


In DS, I have more stuffs to do because there are caves and ruins and I'm really excited! I just passed by a year and now I'm building a second base in caves. :)

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I recently bought Don't Starve RoG to familiarize myself with the new contents before they are added to DST. So now I'm waiting for updates on DST!

But... RoG has been in DST for quite some time now!

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Meteors only fall in the Mosaic biome. I have never seen or heard of them falling in Rocky biomes. 

 All rocky rooms should have 1-2 meteorspawners:

AddRoom("Rocky", {					colour={r=.55,g=.75,b=.75,a=.50},					value = GROUND.DIRT,					tags = {"ExitPiece", "Chester_Eyebone"},					contents =  {									countprefabs=									{										meteorspawner = function() return math.random(1,2) end,									},					                distributepercent = .1,					                distributeprefabs=					                {					                    rock1 = 2,					                    rock2 = 2,										rock_ice = 1,					                    tallbirdnest=.1,					                    spiderden=.01,					                    blue_mushroom = .002,					                },					            }					})

Edit: Although notably this is for the ones that have the "dirt" (empty) turf, rather than the gray rocky turf.

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