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Activate Summer trap => 1 day time to prepare

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This is serious stuff for the Klei-developers. Originally the traps changed the season instantly and provided the activator and the only player on that world, since of single-player, enough materials to save him/herself.


Since of multiplayer, for all other player, that activation is a death-sentence. Everyone wants to have rocks, grass and resurrection hearts, like they are addicted on it. Friends become enemies, haunting the base, looting, burning the base, killing eachother and try to make suicide. The calm player look like these two buddies (attached), until they get killed or make by their free will suicide.




Please, Klei, let the trap activate one day later and let all player know, what is going on. And if this panic is wished, then at least point the location of that trap to every player and let the player name known to all, who activated the trap, so that all zombies goes for him.




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Please, Klei, let the trap activate one day later and let all player know, what is going on.



No O__O


at least point the location of that trap to every player and let the player name known to all, who activated the trap, so that all zombies goes for him.



Yes :D hahaha... but I'm still guessing "no" for this one because:



So... play with friends... its the best way to avoid trouble... but in dedicated servers, it's a given that things will go wrong, how you handle it determines your survival...

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So... play with friends... its the best way to avoid trouble... but in dedicated servers, it's a given that things will go wrong, how you handle it determines your survival...


ok, rethink about that, but its makes also fun playing with people I don't know, just that trap is a little overkill. I think, the trap can be destroyed when hammered. I mean it just need to be 1 of 9 guys in public server, who is up to for that...

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ok, rethink about that, but its makes also fun playing with people I don't know, just that trap is a little overkill. I think, the trap can be destroyed when hammered. I mean it just need to be 1 of 9 guys in public server, who is up to for that...

That IS true... I've encountered the Winter Trap in almost all of the servers I entered  and I warn them about it. I even go so far as to make it my camp. I tell them about the dangers and guard it in case someone wanders there (I try not  to tell them where it is) and open it in winter.


It's not really a big issue though as it can be avoided. 

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Hi there,

I'm kind of a newbie at this game (I've only been playing a few days) and have really been enjoying most of the game so far.

I say most because there's one thing I don't enjoy and it's the season changing traps. I'll explain: (this is a bit long, so I'll include a TL;DR: at end)


Everything else about the game I have enjoyed (the different characters, to the item creation, to the different monsters, etc...). I enjoy it because I can prepare for things. If I want to fight spiders, I can prepare by getting some log armor and a spear. If I want to mine, I can get myself a luxury pickaxe. If I see winter is coming, I can prepare by shaving beefallo, making winter gear and such. 

So here is the situation: I just joined a public server (not mine) and I had survived (with a few other people) for a few days (it was about 2-4 days until winter). We had taken time to prepare for winter (gathering food and supplies, making winter gear, stuff like that). Then a new player joins the server and asks where our base is. We let him know (it wasn't far from portal) and he said he would be right there. After a few minutes, my character (the robot) started complaining about overheating. At the time (and because I'm a noob), I figured it was because I was going through a vulture desert (which are known for being hot). So I went and found some shade and waited a bit. 

Then another character died from overheating. At this point, I had no idea what was going on and thought it was some event. That's when I realized that it was now summer. 

So there I was, in the middle of nowhere, no where near our camp, with my allies falling like flies because of a situation none of us could prepare for. It was, in a word, annoying.


TL;DR: A summer trap caused me and all my friends to die because it was 3 days until winter and we couldn't prepare. 


I do enjoy some of the traps though (like the one that sets the surrounding area on fire). But the fact that by opening a chest you can instantly change the season, it's both annoying and (in my opinion) stupid.


If you would like to have a way for the player to change season, why not make it a magic? Or a really high powered science thing. It shouldn't be as simple as a new player joining the server and opening a chest. 


Thanks for taking the time to read this, 


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If you would like to have a way for the player to change season, why not make it a magic? Or a really high powered science thing. It shouldn't be as simple as a new player joining the server and opening a chest.


With magic I would also agree. Then a trap can be reverted by using something like a season staff, but the magic item would cost alot, like many shadows, paper, living log, ....

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At this point, I had no idea what was going on and thought it was some event.


In DS, the single-player version, when you open a winter-trap chest, there is a noticeable visual (like a shadow-creature smoke) and sound effect, indicating something serious has happened. Since you are the only human in the world, this visual effect can be assumed as to be displayed in the center of the screen, which is just appropriate.


But this is not true in DST. (A lot of things are designed in the context of single-player, such as Sanity.)


One possible solution is to make the effects global and noticeable by all players, and characters should have comments on events like that.

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One possible solution is to make the effects global and noticeable by all players


Believe me, all other player will notice that more then the player, who activated the trap. As soon they see snow falling down or grass withered or the different color on the display with the more stump sounds, everything turns into a walking-dead-scenario with all its misery, panic, death and zombies.

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Dying is kinda part of the game, imo.  I don't think that the devs should have to go to such great lengths to basically make it so that servers never end.


Death is supposed to be looming around every corner, and I personally feel that there are already numerous ways implemented in DST to avoid that already, such as the Telltale Hearts, the new whirly fan item, resurrecting at portals / touchstones / meat effigy / Life-Giving Amulet, etc.


I like the way the traps work.  I do realize that for newer players, it might be hard to contend w/ somebody setting off one of the traps, but I also believe that it makes for a learning experience on what not to do in the future.


I've set off a Summer Trap on Day 1 before and my server survived just fine.  It's hardly impossible, but it does require learning the mechanics of the seasons.


I wouldn't mind adding a comment from the player characters about something having happened, though, much like they comment on the arrival of a giant or hounds approaching.  At least this way, they have some clue that something has occurred that they need to prepare for.

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Believe me, all other player will notice that more then the player, who activated the trap. As soon they see snow falling down or grass withered or the different color on the display with the more stump sounds, everything turns into a walking-dead-scenario with all its misery, panic, death and zombies.

Sorry, I didn't quite get myself understood.


My point is not that we must inform everybody that summer/winter is coming.


My point is that bigger events deserve bigger prelude, to make it feel more shocking, or horrifying, rather than confusing.


Consider this scene:

You are staying in your base, sitting around the pit fire, because everywhere is freezing. Night falls, and darkness is everywhere, but you try to calm yourself: this will end soon. And suddenly you hear some noise like: deep breathe? or is it just my breathe? The noise gets louder and louder, you finally realize that something bad is gonna happen. ...


So,  what would you feel now? Horrified and panic: maybe you are not prepared, maybe you are not confident to beat him, or maybe you are a new player and don't know what to do next.


But what if you just see the giant coming into the screen all of a sudden without any sign?

It might just look like it's a program rather than it is something alive. You may feel like saying: What the xxx...

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I wouldn't mind adding a comment from the player characters about something having happened, though, much like they comment on the arrival of a giant or hounds approaching.


My point is that bigger events deserve bigger prelude


ok, now I got it. Yes a short prelude would make such traps more fun definitly. But before this gonna be implemented the trap activator can make the prelude until the game is patched:


Activator: "Hey guys, I am gonna activate winter trap soon!"


half day later with comments like

Everyone else: "OMG. No. I kill you, ......"


Activator: "I am doing it NOW!!"

"Everyone else: "NOOOOOOO"


One guy managed to craft winter hat. Shortly after, grass and twigs started to be withered and summer starts XD

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I didn't read all the responses, just the initial post and here's what I say to you.


You have problems when traps are sprung for one reason and one reason only: you only prepare for the next season and not all of them.  If you were prepared for all season like many Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together veterans alike a sprung trap is only an annoyance if its the winter trap prior to day 15 because that translates to no deerclops.  Otherwise summer trap, winter trap it makes no difference its just an unexpected surprise.


Also not much of a trap if you get a day to prepare for it.   But I do think there should be SOME way to disarm it that way if you or someone like yourself stumbles onto it you can deal with it before some stranger or griefer goes about spoiling your day.

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Griefing... good point.


Today I was a victim of this. Barely managed to survive. Was playing on the server NY-Community-2, Klein hosted, Survival mode, PVP, and there was this griefer guy.


Games on the server are like this

- Autumn starts, people log in... sometimes server has 10 people playing, some together, some alone. 

- Griefer plays Wigfrid, pretend to be friends, wait for people to make a base and get together and then he kills everybody.

- Game resets, he leaves to kill in another server, returning later to fool new people


So, knowing about him I played lone wolf, made a base far across a swamp in a spider forest. After day 10 most of the server is dead and leaves. Griefer is dead too. He keeps logging in every 10-15 minutes. But I´m alive, server won´t reset. He hunts me forever as a ghost, can´t find me.


I stayed alive for quite a while... then another griefer (his friend) logs in and go to desert to trigger the Summer Trap! They wanted to kill me, without finding me. Astute, I admit. Was the last day of Autumn, was really HARD to work around but I managed to survive the whole season. Griefer friend logged out.


So they kept logging in every 10 minutes to see how I was doing... Alive and well, all through Summer until another Autumn came. So eventually Griefer friend found me, engaged in PvP, I was prepared, he died.


Was fun in the end BUT this is not acceptable, really! Traps should be disabled OR they must give a server-wide announcement and a day or two to prepare.

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Little bit old topic, but one more thing:


Its not about me, that its so difficult, but for the others, the majority. For the elite, who is posting here and saying traps are easy to survive, traps could be really fun and a challange for them, but I see on the public server something different ( and expressed that in this thread ). Creating a feature is one thing, but looking, if these features are fitting for the majority, is another one.

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