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Stupid Bans, Stupid Bans, Hope next time it's not you! : D

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A 12-year-old admin kicked me because I told him to not build things in the spaces between the berry bushes and grass tufts. He told me he knew what he was doing and that I was a noob. Ten minutes later, a Red Hound showed up. You can imagine how that went.

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Well, then don't expect many people to be glad to be playing with you. If they get to play with you at all.

yeah. I'm good.

I got friends from other online game to play with. and some more from our local forum & community.

also got some real life friend :-)

and i prefer to play with a few friends instead of lot griefers.

I dont consider that as 'playing', it could be fun and challenging at first.

But get more and more annoying as the time goes on

and from time to time, I always get a decent new comer to join our server.

I just filter out those who got grief potential.

they are destroying the mood and the game in our server.

couple of my friends really get annoy by those things, so I prefer kick people with grief potential than losing real players


Currently, I have 3 webbers and 3 willows in my blocklist.


The webbers are from Brazil and have a high amount of time playing CS:GO and Dota 2.


You should ban people who play a lot of CS:GO, they are mentally disturbed individuals.



A 12-year-old admin kicked me because I told him to not build things in the spaces between the berry bushes and grass tufts. He told me he knew what he was doing and that I was a noob. Ten minutes later, a Red Hound showed up. You can imagine how that went.


I'm having a hard time to explain this rule.

and people keep filling those empty gap.

If it's only a plant, it's easy. just shovel it.

but sometime I have hammer things, because they put a structure/chest box between the gap

and telling them not to fight red/fire hound at the camp can also be something that is hard to listen to.


as for your story.

he sure know what he is doing. because some people just want to watch the whole world burn.

that's why he is filling in those gap

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