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Strength aura?

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You can hook up CalcDamage from the combat component.


From there, you can either make auras like sanity:

    local aura_delta = 0    local x,y,z = self.inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()    local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x,y,z, TUNING.SANITY_EFFECT_RANGE, nil, {"FX", "NOCLICK", "DECOR","INLIMBO"} )    for k,v in pairs(ents) do         if v.components.sanityaura and v ~= self.inst then            local distsq = self.inst:GetDistanceSqToInst(v)            local aura_val = v.components.sanityaura:GetAura(self.inst)/math.max(1, distsq)            if aura_val < 0 then                aura_val = aura_val * self.neg_aura_mult            end            aura_delta = aura_delta + aura_val        end    end

but with multipliers, that would be granted by proximity to entities to a also newly created combataura component, which would be a copy of sanity aura, but with multipliers, instead of auras. The difference between auras and multipliers is that their number range is different.


Or instead of using FindEntities, you can cycle through players, like this (in modmain):

AddComponentPostInit("combat", function(self)	local old = self.CalcDamage	function self:CalcDamage(target, weapon, multiplier)		if self.inst:HasTag("player") then			local bonusmult = 1			for k, v in pairs(GLOBAL.AllPlayers) do				if (v:HasTag("combataura")) and (not self.inst == v) and (self.inst:GetDistanceSqToInst(v) < 25) then					bonusmult = bonusmult + 0.5				end			end			multiplier = (multiplier or 1) * bonusmult		end		return old(target, weapon, multiplier)	endend)

so when somebody hits something, the game will check if there are players with the tag "combataura" nearby. For one player nearby, the bonus is 1.5, for two, 2, for three, 2.5, for four, 3 and so on...


And you can mix the distance calculations to make different bonuses based on distance value, or create a combataura component that replaces the combataura tag and provides a custom multiplier bonus, like with sanity auras. Up to you.

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I decided to use this thread instead of making a new one because I felt like my question is similar.


Well sort of, I kind of want to do the opposite effect where people surrounding my character will receive a damage multiplier(Strength) and health absorption(Defense) aura. This aura will not effect the character with the aura ability.


Any help would be appreciated!

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@rons0n, instead of looping through AllPlayers or using FindEntities, I decided to try another approach:

local my_auras = {}AddPrefabPostInit("wilson", function(inst)	if not GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then		return	end	my_auras[inst.GUID] = { range = 10, bonus_per = 0.25, life_per = 0.25 }	inst.OnDespawn = function(inst)		my_auras[inst.GUID] = nil	endend)AddPlayerPostInit(function(inst)	if not GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then		return	end	local old_cd = inst.components.combat.CalcDamage	inst.components.combat.CalcDamage = function(self, target, weapon, multiplier)		local damage = old_cd(self, target, weapon, multiplier)		local aura_delta = 0		for k, v in pairs(my_auras) do			local p = GLOBAL.Ents[k]			if p ~= self.inst and p:IsNear(self.inst, v.range) then				aura_delta = aura_delta + damage * v.bonus_per			end		end		return damage + aura_delta	end	inst:ListenForEvent("onhitother", function(inst, data)		for k, v in pairs(my_auras) do			local p = GLOBAL.Ents[k]			if p ~= inst and p:IsNear(inst, v.range) then				inst.components.health:DoDelta(data.damage * v.life_per, nil, "LifeSteal Aura", nil, p)			end		end		end)end)

Auras get added to a table as Wilsons join the game.

This way I loop strictly through the few entities needed.

I put the lifesteal away from the CalcDamage so in pvp the lifesteal comes from damage applied to health.

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@DarkXero, Thanks! But it seems we may have hit a misunderstanding. My apologies on my half, I really suck at conveying the messages correctly that pop in my noggin.


When I meant health absorbtion I meant having an aura that gives people a Defense boost(Like Armor) when getting attacked by creatures.


Sorry about that. Everything else works just as intended though!

Edited by rons0n
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@rons0n, how about this:

local my_auras = {} AddPrefabPostInit("wilson", function(inst)    if not GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then        return    end    my_auras[inst.GUID] = { range = 10, mult_bonus = 1.25, absorb_per = 0.25 }    inst.OnDespawn = function(inst)        my_auras[inst.GUID] = nil    endend) AddPlayerPostInit(function(inst)    if not GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then        return    end    local old_cd = inst.components.combat.CalcDamage    inst.components.combat.CalcDamage = function(self, target, weapon, multiplier)		for k, v in pairs(my_auras) do            local p = GLOBAL.Ents[k]            if p ~= self.inst and p:IsNear(self.inst, v.range) then                multiplier = (multiplier or 1) * v.mult_bonus				break            end        end        return old_cd(self, target, weapon, multiplier)    end	local old_ga = inst.components.combat.GetAttacked	inst.components.combat.GetAttacked = function(self, attacker, damage, weapon, stimuli)        if damage ~= nil then			for k, v in pairs(my_auras) do				local p = GLOBAL.Ents[k]				if p ~= self.inst and p:IsNear(self.inst, v.range) then					damage = damage * (1 - v.absorb_per)					break				end			end		end		return old_ga(self, attacker, damage, weapon, stimuli)	endend)

Also, in this scenario auras don't stack.

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