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[S] BlazingIce26: Start Thread (Homestuck Thread)


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Days until the hiatus is over, I felt that it was extremely inappropriate to create a Home-stuck thread that may not even remain active until 4/13, then I proclaimed that "Who cares!" and made the thread anyways.


Only rules are that)

Try to keep discussion related to Homestuck. T

ag any *major* spoilers with a spoiler (duh).

coming in here simply to proclaim "this homosuck* trash is awful i hate every1 of u idiots!1!!" will not be tolerated, and although I am not yet a mod, and do not have the powers necessary to delete posts, ban users, or aim orbital laserstrikes at users homes, doing so will prompt everyone to likely ignore you, and think you are a relatively large jerk.


If you don't know what Homestuck is, simply put; it is essentially a web-comic whos story is based mostly around a group of children who play a game to create a new world. Being anymore specific would likely result in accidental spoilers. You can find it at https://mspaintadventures.com


*Allusions to uU's masterpiece, however, will be tolerated.**

**But only slightly


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ლ(ಠ_ಠლ) Oh look! An another Homestuck thread! Who would think so! I'm so surprised *implies fake interest* щ(ಥДಥщ)

For a guy who's known to spam, you sure are good at pointing out other people's spam.

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For a guy who's known to spam, you sure are good at pointing out other people's spam.

there have only been 2 homestuck threads that i know of here. And how many of your anime threads? Uhm. Definitely more than 2. So please, don't be a hypocrite.

It's in my nature...

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Wow, it's actually been long enough since I've read it that I can't really remember my favorite quotes, but I'll have a go at it anyway.


GG: oh god please dont tell me your computer was in the wallet you just gave that guy.....

GG: dammit john!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GG: one of these days you will learn the value of having plenty of backup computers

GG: in fact whenever you finally leave the battlefield i am going to give you the code for a nice pair of lunchmuffs

GG: and then i am going to force you to keep them on your head AT ALL TIMES!

GG: yeah, youre never going to read this are you :|

And of course the related quote:

'Does he even have a computer on him?? He should try to have more foresight, and carry no less than 5 computers on him at all times, like a sensible person.'

Well I guess that's mildly amusing. I tried.


Whelp. 8 replies in and we've already got people bashing Homestuck.

Person. Singular. Grammar, Blazingice. And that person is known for posting garbage anyway, although admittedly it's usually less mean-spirited garbage.

As for today's update, it appears that Gamzee... didn't last long in that fight. It seems almost like Gamzee getting sliced in half is becoming a regular occurrence, and I venture to hope this is the case.

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 As for today's update, it appears that Gamzee... didn't last long in that fight. It seems almost like Gamzee getting sliced in half is becoming a regular occurrence, and I venture to hope this is the case.

Have you tried turning the sound on by clicking the top left button? You can hear Caliborn act out stuff.  :hypnotized:

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ლ(ಠ_ಠლ) Oh look! An another Homestuck thread! Who would think so! I'm so surprised *implies fake interest* щ(ಥДಥщ)



there have only been 2 homestuck threads that i know of here.

And how many of your anime threads?


Definitely more than 2. So please, don't be a hypocrite.




Every single one of you is dead to me.

Nice one gardevoir waifu guy


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This past update is beginning to make me antsy. I mean, everything seems to be working out wonderfully for everyone. Nothing bad is happening! It's unnatural! When's the bottom gonna fall out?

Also, kind of surprised that the Saw theme was used for MSPA Reader: Mental breakdown. Like, all the music used so far has been original, and there's certainly plenty of unused songs from plenty of Homestuck albums to choose from. I guess it's not Too far out there, considering that Saw references have been used for both Li'l Cal and Caliborn, but still... I guess I'm a little disappointed.

Of course, Moonsetter being used in the following flash was awesome.

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Also, kind of surprised that the Saw theme was used for MSPA Reader: Mental breakdown. Like, all the music used so far has been original, and there's certainly plenty of unused songs from plenty of Homestuck albums to choose from. I guess it's not Too far out there, considering that Saw references have been used for both Li'l Cal and Caliborn, but still... I guess I'm a little disappointed.







{Mental Breakdown}

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