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[Tutorial] Using Extended Sample Character Template

Dragon Wolf Leo

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So when following the tutorials it should look like this right,


But in game she has speckled white spots and her hair is away from her body. When I recompile her again her head would show but the rest of her body would be invisible.


Parts being misaligned is usually caused by moving things around in the spriter, or by changing the canvas size without updating the dimensions in the .scml's text. The position of parts are determined by the pivot locations.


Rendering errors are sometimes caused by an atlas size that tends to glitch out. This template usually renders slightly larger than the glitched size, so it could happen if someone makes some things smaller.


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Hello. I was attempting to create a test character, to make sure I was doing the tutorial correctly, and, while it appeared I was following every step, it didn't seem to work in the end.


When I had launched the game, (This is in DST by the way,) on a private server with just me, the character selection did NOT show my character. The compiler also had never renamed the ghost_esctemplate_build, and I had to rename it manually.


I don't see what I did wrong at all. I followed the video tutorial almost exactly, and swapping to the written tutorial for the DST parts, but it didn't work in the end.

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I know few peoples have this problem but for me it doesn't work,

When i want to test the mod, and then i have activated it,

My Steam crashes when i have clicked on the "I Understand" button.

Any Idea? Can be Fix?


EDIT: I don't know what happened but now (maybe it's the new auto-compiler) it's work!

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Hi! I've been working on my own character for a little over a week and finally gotten to the artwork. I'm currently working on the faces. I was wondering what faces number 14 and 23 are for? 14 appears to just be 2 blurred ovals and 23 is a black box. If I don't need to do anything to them please let me know! Otherwise the tutorial has been super helpful! I would have NEVER been able to figure this out on my own!

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Hi! I've been working on my own character for a little over a week and finally gotten to the artwork. I'm currently working on the faces. I was wondering what faces number 14 and 23 are for? 14 appears to just be 2 blurred ovals and 23 is a black box. If I don't need to do anything to them please let me know! Otherwise the tutorial has been super helpful! I would have NEVER been able to figure this out on my own!


Face 14 is the skeleton eyes, seen when getting struck by lightning in RoG. Face 23 seems to be an unimplemented emote.

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I'm having issues with crashes on the DST version... :/ The animation files arnt coming back x.x It keeps crashing too. I'm really confused could someone help me?

I'm having issues with crashes on the DST version... :/ The animation files arnt coming back x.x It keeps crashing too. I'm really confused could someone help me?

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So I've followed the video, I've gone through all the steps of the written tutorial, and I just can't seem to get anything to work!


I retraced my steps and started over, making sure the basic mod package worked. A bit of finnagling and voila, esc worked fine! I was a cute lil cat and ran around all happy. So I went to the next step, renaming everything to my character's name, Darren, making sure to properly replace the lower case versions and upper case versions respectfully. I got rid of all the files I didn't need and would be repopulated as instructed and shown in the video and the guide, and let the game compile them again for me.


And that's as far as I can get. Once I replace with esctemplate/ESCTEMPLATES with my character's name, it just crashes in game. Sometimes the mod will just fail and I can't choose the character in the choose character list, or it straight up crashes the game!


I'm at my wits end with this, if anyone has any suggestions I'd love to take them! If you need anymore information just tell me what and where to get it and I'll give it to you! I just really want to make a character mod and no matter how many times I start over fresh in case I messed something up, nothing works! :c

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I love this, and the tutorial is extremely helpful. I've never modded before, so this is my first.

But I have a problem. Each time I try to compile the mod, it won't create a new zip file in the anim folder. I deleted the original zip like the video says, and then the one in character folder in exported (not cleared). I ran the compiler, but it won't make new ones/replace the old ones, like it should be doing.

I put back the old files (dug them out of the recycle bin) and tried to run the mod as is.

It only crashes after I enable the mod in DS, and when I'm at the "I understand" screen.


I can't compile it with Command Prompt, I don't know what that is, and I can't open the scml.exe file in mod_tools in my Don't Starve Mod Tools.

I'm also unable to have someone compile the mod for me.


Is there anything I can do? I need help with this, please and thank you.

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Dunno how to edit, but I figured out what the scml text is, but will need a little insight. The pivot points are set in the right spots, I believe, in the spriter though in the scml's text it has " pivot_x="0" pivot_y="1" ." I'm assuming this is normal, but is it?


Also, is the text supposed to list the parts out of order



<file id="0" name="torso/torso-0.png" width="160" height="120" pivot_x="0" pivot_y="1"/><file id="1" name="torso/torso-6.png" width="160" height="120" pivot_x="0" pivot_y="1"/><file id="2" name="torso/torso-3.png" width="160" height="120" pivot_x="0" pivot_y="1"/>

Thanks in advance.

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Cat "ears" are the hair for Wilson. Basically it's the stuff which is above head itself.  


Faces are hard but not that really :-) Just make the same emotion which the template has. Like if its happy = make your own happy, if it's sad = make your own sad. etc.


I have question or few... Don't kill me for the lenght of this post please :razz:


Before you tell me to - yes I've read I think all valuable threads on forum about those :/ No answer really... or not working... 


1. Code for no sanity loss - raw meat eating


My character eating profile looks like this: 

inst.components.eater.monsterimmune = true
inst.components.eater.ignoresspoilage = true
You know when you eat raw, not cooked meat - you will loose some sanity. I'm trying but can't figure out the code for preventing that :/ 
So in general - code for NO sanity loss after eating RAW meat... 
2. Speech - food - PAIN?
In character-speech file you have PAIN line - it's line which character use after eating monster meat. Does anyone know if it has other used that monster meat eating? Or I can just put nothing in it, since my character can eat monster meat? Can't eat vegetables tho so nothing else from food will hurt him. 
3. Recipe - icon of item in the recipe bar (left part of the screen)
this is the part of the code with recipe. I need to add the image to the recipe tab but... It just doesn't work. I'm certain that all folders naming is correct. So... is there anything wrong with this code? :/  (calling my item just "item" here so it's easier)
local item = Recipe("item", {Ingredient("aaa", 1000)}, RECIPETABS.TOWN, TECH.NONE)
hound_recipe.atlas = "images/item.xml"
hound_recipe.sortkey = 1
STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.ITEM = "bla bla bla blah."


4. Beefalos aggro - always when near


This is just simple wondering... Do you think there is a way to make ur character hostile to beefalos? Like they are always aggresive towards it, even if not in heat? I read beefalo files several times and seems rather impossible.. but always worth to ask :-)


5. Last but not least - sticking 2 mods in one: CHARACTER + ITEM


Character: Monstear meat eater, only mear eater, spoilage ignore,

Item: Simple item almost like spear, just permanent


So... those 2 mods works perfect when put in 2 separate folders - "item" and "char"  in:

dont_starve > mods


But when I stick them together:

Character is not monster meat immune anymore. 

When You order him to eat flowers (he is ONLY meat eater) instead of saying: "I ll never eat THAT!"... examines flowers!


beggining of modmain.lua looks like that:


GLOBAL.STRINGS.NAMES.ITEM = "blablablablabalblah"
PrefabFiles = {
All the rest are only codes from character mod... (which WORKED fine as well.. before merge)


Uploaded modmain for merged mods. And scripts: wakkari (char), bellstaff (item)


That's all I guess.. Really for sorry for the trouble ^^ 








Edited by Foxrai
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Im having this issue:

--local sanitychange(inst,data){
 --if inst.components.sanity.current <= 50 then
 --inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1
 --inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 0.75
local fn = function(inst)
-- choose which sounds this character will play
inst.soundsname = "wendy"
-- Minimap icon
inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "sari.tex" )
-- Stats
inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 0.75
inst.components.sanity.night_drain_mult = (TUNING.WILSON_SANITY_MULT / 2)
inst.components.sanity.neg_aura_mult = (TUNING.WILSON_SANITY_MULT / 2)
--inst:ListenForEvent("SanityTsuki", sanitychange)
Im trying to build something like Wolfgang, the difference is when she reach 50 of sanity, his dmg multiplier increase to 1.
where is my error :S? the game crash when I start the mod... and the reason is the linecodes with "--"


Edited by kordhrufan
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Im having this issue:


--local sanitychange(inst,data){
 --if inst.components.sanity.current <= 50 then
 --inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1
 --inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 0.75
local fn = function(inst)
-- choose which sounds this character will play
inst.soundsname = "wendy"
-- Minimap icon
inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "sari.tex" )
-- Stats
inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 0.75
inst.components.sanity.night_drain_mult = (TUNING.WILSON_SANITY_MULT / 2)
inst.components.sanity.neg_aura_mult = (TUNING.WILSON_SANITY_MULT / 2)
--inst:ListenForEvent("SanityTsuki", sanitychange)
Im trying to build something like Wolfgang, the difference is when she reach 50 of sanity, his dmg multiplier increase to 1.
where is my error :S? the game crash when I start the mod... and the reason is the linecodes with "--"



There were a few syntax errors in the function sanitychange. There also isn't a WILSON_SANITY_MULT, so it should be 0.5.


local function sanitychange(inst,data)    if inst.components.sanity.current <= 50 then        inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1    else        inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 0.75    endendlocal fn = function(inst) -- choose which sounds this character will playinst.soundsname = "wendy" -- Minimap iconinst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "sari.tex" ) -- Statsinst.components.health:SetMaxHealth(150)inst.components.hunger:SetMax(120)inst.components.sanity:SetMax(100)inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 0.75inst.components.sanity.night_drain_mult = 0.5inst.components.sanity.neg_aura_mult = 0.5inst:ListenForEvent("SanityTsuki", sanitychange) end


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I answered some of your questions I had time to.

1. Code for no sanity loss - raw meat eating My character eating profile looks like this: inst.components.eater.monsterimmune = true inst.components.eater:SetCarnivore(true) inst.components.eater.ignoresspoilage = true You know when you eat raw, not cooked meat - you will loose some sanity. I'm trying but can't figure out the code for preventing that :/ So in general - code for NO sanity loss after eating RAW meat...


You can modify your character's eater component in wakkari.lua:

-- Remove sanity penalty from foodinst.components.eater.Eat_orig = inst.components.eater.Eatfunction inst.components.eater:Eat( food )    if self:CanEat(food) and food.components.edible.sanityvalue < 0 then        food.components.edible.sanityvalue = 0    end    return inst.components.eater:Eat_orig(food)end


3. Recipe - icon of item in the recipe bar (left part of the screen) this is the part of the code with recipe. I need to add the image to the recipe tab but... It just doesn't work. I'm certain that all folders naming is correct. So... is there anything wrong with this code? :/ (calling my item just "item" here so it's easier) local item = Recipe("item", {Ingredient("aaa", 1000)}, RECIPETABS.TOWN, TECH.NONE) hound_recipe.atlas = "images/item.xml" hound_recipe.sortkey = 1 STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.ITEM = "bla bla bla blah."

 I think it should look like this:
item.atlas = resolvefilepath("images/item.xml")


4. Beefalos aggro - always when near This is just simple wondering... Do you think there is a way to make ur character hostile to beefalos? Like they are always aggresive towards it, even if not in heat? I read beefalo files several times and seems rather impossible.. but always worth to ask :-)

You want to modify their retarget function. This can be done by using AddPrefabPostInit in modmain.lua:

-- Function to make beefalo hostile to characterlocal makeBeefaloHostile = function (prefab)    if prefab.components.combat then        local targetfn_orig = prefab.components.combat.targetfn        local targetfn_new = function(inst)            local target = nil            -- First retarget normally            if targetfn_orig then target = targetfn_orig(inst) end            -- If no target found, target Wakkari            if target == nil then                target = GLOBAL.FindEntity(inst, GLOBAL.TUNING.BEEFALO_TARGET_DIST, function(guy)                    return not guy:HasTag("beefalo") and                            inst.components.combat:CanTarget(guy) and                            not guy:HasTag("wall")                            and guy.prefab == "wakkari"                end)            end            return target        end        prefab.components.combat.targetfn = targetfn_new    endendAddPrefabPostInit("beefalo", makeBeefaloHostile)


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@Dleowolf - like always you're awesome :-)


Beefalos code works perfectly fine ^^ 


Part of my eater looks like this now:


inst.components.eater.monsterimmune = true
inst.components.eater.ignoresspoilage = true
-- Remove sanity penalty from food
inst.components.eater.Eat_orig = inst.components.eater.Eat
function inst.components.eater:Eat( food )
    if self:CanEat(food) and food.components.edible.sanityvalue < 0 then
        food.components.edible.sanityvalue = 0
    return inst.components.eater:Eat_orig(food)
Only issue if that I loose hp now cause of eating monster meat o.o  
About icon - doesn't work either :/ 
I have it like this (probably im writing something wrong.. -.-)
local hound_mound = Recipe("houndmound", {Ingredient("1", 1), Ingredient("2", 1), Ingredient("3", 1)}, RECIPETABS.TOWN, TECH.NONE)
hound_mound.atlas = resolvefilepath("images/hound_mound.xml")
hound_mound.sortkey = 1
And the png with pic is transparent. Folder: mods > wakkari > images > hound_mound.png / tex / xml. Picture size 64x64pix
Well the picture is not that important.. worst with this monswer meat which started to hurt me now o.o
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Problem: My character looks really small. I used all these templates sizes and havent resize templates. I used Spriter tool to make face smaller but nothing else.



from what I know, you can't use spriter to resize anything. The ESCTemplate here made my Dleowolf features a cat character - and yes it IS a BIT smaller than regular Don't Starve characters (suppose it's because of ears). So if you were drawing ON the templates - and made yours a BIT smaller.. Then character may look just small. 


Solution: resive your png pictures. After you resive then - crop the canvas to the original size, so just the picture itself is bigger, not the whole npg resolution.

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