The Islands that They forgot (Roleplay)


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(( Been a bit busy so I'll just jump in here ))


Warren had slept in the branches of a tree for the night - once he'd gotten tired, he tried to sleep at the bottom of it, but some spiders had wanted to play with him.

Despite his best efforts to convince them he was too tired, they would not stop biting him so he had been forced to climb the tree for some rest. Seemed like a rubbish game, anyway.


But he was awake now, thanks to the recent activity and screaming around him, and what an interesting sight the bunch were - Maxwell's imagination really was amazing!

He jumped down from his branch - literally, and crashed into a heap beside the odd group, staggering to his feet with a somewhat eerie smile on his face, wincing slightly as he held his arm.

"It feels so real! Unbelieveable! I'm Warren! Did The Amazing Maxwell create all of you?"

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(Did Geni leave?)


Hugos looks up from Geni (Seriously, where is she?) and  stares at the newcomer.

"Oh, come on! Where do you people - Well, mostly not people - keep coming from!?"

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"Wierd, yez. You right. Zomething like thiz never happened before. Human, which i uzed to know, waz only ztrangely dynamic creature. But here I zee zo many myztery creaturez... How do you think, shadow one, should we ztay together, like zomeone unknown wantz?"

To be honest, Webless very relied on others in making solutions. Probably because he instinctively was only hands for the nest. But not a leader.

And from all mystery monsters and humans he valued the opinions of the territory's owner *hugos, who said it's his territory* and Ayasha, the one who treated spider with kindness.

But don't think that he mindless follower. Webless is able to make his own decisions. 

(I remember you are not shadow creature. But Webless don't know that, so enlighten him)

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"Forgive me, but how i should to call you?" Asked the spider, and after it answered on the question about food.

"You right we should hunt. Being a hunter iz in my blood. But alzo we should create a camp. I can zee in the darknezz. But without a proper camp fire, we only will become a food for night predatorz. Fire is a very good defenze, but a great danger az well. I can't create campz. But i can hunt. Should we zpare our rezponzibilitiez?"

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(Well, after you started trying to set everyone on fire I was tackling you, but was interrupted by Warren (or whatever his name is). We'll just assume you're temporarily unconcious)


"You can call me Hugos" I reply "And as for the camp, I have one right over there" At that, I gesture to a large pile of wood and stones

"Anyway, lets go! There's a field of Tallbirds over there!"

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( I'm on a I pad just so you know )

Ember was on the grass, trees surrounded her and she felt sick, she dragged herself to the beast bush and vomited in it. She saw a spider and stared to crawl away from it

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"Az you zay, but firzt I should to tame the fire"

The spider slowly went to Ember. He couldn't allow her to continue this madness. Fire is the most dangerous power of this world. He stopped when the distance between them become about six or seven meters. He just looked in her eyes.

Edited by PatchDotexe
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"Ember, You can call me Weblezz. Would you be kind to ztop uze fire zo often. We should hunt, but if it will continue forezt will burn without any chance to ztop it.. Alzo you can go with uz."

(Well, now I'm here.)

Edited by PatchDotexe
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"You will zee..." He turned around and went to the owner of those territories. "Hugoz, guide uz to the field. We will not ztop the fire. But who knowz better than animal, it can nearly control our mindz. So let'z make haunt more exiting for them."

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