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Devs please fix this :(

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I am enjoying this DLC but there are major problems with it which is make the game either really EASY or really HARD, first of all these cats give you free Meat and a hat and second when it is raining Frog rains from sky wtf??? frog Rain??? i just had a game after 12 days  all the field is full of frogs and they killed everything they killed all the beefalos in the game i no longer had Manure no more beefalo hair.... completely remove this frog rain please it is just TOO lame also fix the cats in other hand they are making the game too easy!

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I am enjoying this DLC but there are major problems with it which is make the game either really EASY or really HARD, first of all these cats give you free Meat and a hat and second when it is raining Frog rains from sky wtf??? frog Rain??? i just had a game after 12 days all the field is full of frogs and they killed everything they killed all the beefalos in the game i no longer had Manure no more beefalo hair.... completely remove this frog rain please it is just TOO lame also fix the cats in other hand they are making the game too easy!

Each Catcoon den only spawns 9 cats and frog rain can be turned off in world settings
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