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Will DLC affect current game saves?

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Right now, I pretty much have Don't Starve on "easy mode" -- Summer all the time, short nights, using the robot.  I'm not trying to be some kind of Don't Starve gamer god; I just want something that's relatively relaxing to play while producing a minimal challenge.  


Will the Reign of Giants DLC affect the current game save in any way, or will I be required to start a whole new game?   Personally, I hope to at least have the option of having the DLC not affect my current game, as things like overheating summers, spontaneous combustion, and caves with seasons are things I simply have no desire to deal with.  I take pride in my base and have no desire to see the whole thing burned to the ground "just because".  That would instantly cause me to stop playing.  


(I'm not saying they're necessarily "bad" per se....I just don't like the idea of adding difficulty and randomness for the sake of adding difficulty and randomness.  I'm sure there are plenty of people who think the new DLC is absolutely great.  It just doesn't sound like my cup of tea.)





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When you start up DS, you'll be given the option to play the original, or RoG.  They'll both use the same 5 save slots, once you've started a game in any given slot, you won't be able to then load that in the other game.  If you currently have a vanilla save file you'll be able to play it as vanilla still.  But you won't get ANY of the RoG content in it, good or bad. 


On the other hand, it has been suggested and hopefully Klei will listen, that we should have the option in RoG to turn off the spontaneous combustion thing, for the sake of base builder fanatics.

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DLC is and will be more challenging. If you want to relax, but still have the experience with the DLC, select No summer and start in Autumn, then you'll have Autumn, Winter and Spring which shouldn't be too hard, and set Deerclops to Less, so he spawns every other Winter.

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If anyone noticed, the items that existed in Vanilla Don't Starve which had their names changed (heat stone renamed to thermal stone) for rog is also renamed in the Vanilla, which means in vanilla with rog installed, heat stone is called thermal stone. Other renames are also there.

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