The "Character Smelting" Thread(Not a roleplay)


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Now, me, personally, as far as roleplays go, I think I have the spelling and grammar good, be perfectly honest, I'm having problems with actually getting down some solid character ideas for the roleplay. Ones that seem fair and balanced, yet interesting in their own special ways.


Which is why i'd like to call this a "Character Smelting" thread. A thread that exists to give myself(and anyone else who wants to), the chance to propose some character ideas, and get a little bit of professional opinion into whether it would be an acceptable character in a rp(aka, not stupid and ridiculous, not godmode, and not TOO OP.).


Now, to start this off, perhaps I will throw in my first idea. I'll be using a template, but you don't HAVE to if you don't want to.








Personality Traits:

Other Notables:


Okay, here's the first one.


Name: Clarice

Race: Human



-Can stay warmer during winter

-Can produce red gems easily


-Scares quite easily

-Is weak

-Is Fragile

-Can't stand stale or spoiled food

-Has trouble with sleeping


Anyone else with feedback can post freely. Anyone who would like to join in on the smelting is also welcome.

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IMO, the biggest part of making a character great is backstory.  I'll give an example:


Created as a slave for Maxwell, Wither was tasked with killing those who had survived too long on the Islands.  To help with his task, he was gifted with a special amulet that allowed him to control shadows.  One night, however, Wither could not bring himself to kill one of the survivors.  He was thus banished to the Islands, and doomed to the fate of those he had once slain.


It's not great, but you see what I mean.

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^That is very accurate.


The character you gave is good, but the abilities are somewhat scattered. Normally a backstory can tie your abilities/disadvantages together. Maybe Clarice had been traumatized in a lab experiment (not this though, it's too cliche) with red gems involved. He was scarred for life and gained the ability to produce red gems. Or maybe his house burned down, and was cursed to be reminded of the scene whenever he got a red gem, which happened often. Something like that to tie the loose ends together.

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IMO, the biggest part of making a character great is backstory.  I'll give an example:


Created as a slave for Maxwell, Wither was tasked with killing those who had survived too long on the Islands.  To help with his task, he was gifted with a special amulet that allowed him to control shadows.  One night, however, Wither could not bring himself to kill one of the survivors.  He was thus banished to the Islands, and doomed to the fate of those he had once slain.


It's not great, but you see what I mean.

^That is very accurate.


The character you gave is good, but the abilities are somewhat scattered. Normally a backstory can tie your abilities/disadvantages together. Maybe Clarice had been traumatized in a lab experiment (not this though, it's too cliche) with red gems involved. He was scarred for life and gained the ability to produce red gems. Or maybe his house burned down, and was cursed to be reminded of the scene whenever he got a red gem, which happened often. Something like that to tie the loose ends together.

DAHH I FORGOT THE BACKSTORY. And it's a female character, Blewcheese. *ahem* That's what the Other Notables was supposed to be for!


Personality Traits:

-Clarice is a sensitive type of lady, who prefers to avoid fighting whenever she can.

-The Don't Starve world is one that will likely push her into a type of isolationism due to her shyness towards even the more docile creatures therein.

-When she does become enraged however, she can become very tenacious.


Other Notables:


-As a child, Clarice was always the subject of many a cruel hazing and attack by bullies, none of which she never really got over.

-Her powers are due to inheiritance from the bloodline. However, they could manipulate fire with ease. Clarice cannot manipulate such energies, period. This is due to a mysterious defect that occured when she was born. Instead, she can merely gather up some of those magical energies and crystalize them into a red gem instead, but she is not keen to using them, for fear of being manipulated.

-Her home village was destroyed in a mysterious fire. Some claim that words of magical power were being spoken prior to the fall.

-The only one Clarice confides in is her childhood friend, Chris.

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And now for Chris.


Name: Christopher

Race: Human?


-Not so easily terrified by monsters

-Can enter a meditative state and SLOWLY recover vitality and sanity

-Is (somewhat) dapper

-Is psychic


-Loses control over his powers when insane

-Can't sleep

-Cannot wield nightmares unless insane

-Using psychic powers puts a strain on Chris's sanity


-Cold, and brooding, sometimes.

-Often uncaring about those around him, except for Clarice.

-Does not pick fights, but has no problem with getting involved.

-The Don't Starve world will test his strength and his will against difficult odds.

-Insanity turns Chris into a ticking time-bomb, essentially.


Other Notables:


Chris, along with Clarice, are the only surviving members of a strange incident that destroyed their village. Despite Christopher's cold stature and uncaring attitude, he would gladly give his life for Clarice's safety. The reason for Chris's psychic powers are currently unknown. He was somehow born with such abilities, sticking him in isolation for the safety of everyone around him. He often suppresses his powers, however, in order to keep things going smoothly for him.


EDIT: Hello? Anyone?

Edited by Silentdarkness1
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Name: ???

Race: ???


Abilities/Disadvantages: He can't die or be harmed. He can't harm others at his own will.

Personality Traits: Is always depressed or angry for some reason

Other Notables: 

??? is a ghost who hasn't accepted the fact that he has deceased yet. His father killed him by burning their house down. In the wreckage, ??? remembers seeing his own corpse but he lies to himself that it is his doppleganger.

He doesn't hurt people (Purposely) so he doesn't have to see another endure the same tragic thoughts and memories and pain that he has, because it is horrible.

Edited by WalrusMan
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Mind if i give it a shot? I'm a bit (And by that i mean i've never done anything like it before XD) new to the roleplaying scene, before i actually try and join one, i'd like some opininons on a character i've been thinking about for a little while
Name: Shane
Race: Human
Male/Female: Male
Age: Came into the DS world at around 15, Is now 19
Due to all the time he's spent in the darkness, hearing the whispers of the night, fearing the inevitable end of the night monsters pity, he has learned to control the shadows around him, he is able to shape various objects out of pure darkness, however, doing so may open
his body and mind up to Them, which, if taken advantage of can have disastrous effects.
He doesn't need to eat as much as others
he refuses to manipulate shadows into any huge objects, for fear of tearing himself apart in the process.
Personality Traits: 

Because of all the time he's spent away from society (Heck, he hardly remembers anything of his previous life) He doesn't really know how to act around people, he sometimes may come off as rude and arrogant sometimes, but he will learn how to act as his character develops

He takes an extreme liking to animals, probably because that's the only living things he's had to interact with for the past 4 years
He does not like being around complete strangers, but opens up around his friends, as a result of this, many think of him as very shy.
If faced with danger he will often put his friends lives over his own, sometimes even resorting to using his ability to bend darkness to his will, risking more then his own body, but his mind as well.
Appearance :
He's a fairly pale boy, average in height for his age, however, he is severely underweight since his day to day diet consists of berries and carrots, sometimes a few morsels, his hair is a lightish black and fairly short, he wears a black windbreaker and a non-descript t-shirt underneath it
Backstory - Shane hardly remembers much of his previous life, save whenever he had entered this dark world, he had been poking around some old house that looked like it had been abandoned for years, after finding a area vaguely resembling a laboratory, he noticed a giant machine in the middle of the room, and soon fell victim to the same fate as a certain gentleman scientist had before him. Maxwell, not planning on an extra visitor, was quite surprised when he saw Shane walki ng around his world, so far he has done nothing particularly nasty to him, but that may soon come to change. Shane has spent most of his time here in complete darkness. Charlie, pitying the boy who had done nothing to be in this horrible place save "exploring" an abandoned house had left him alone. Since then, Shane's mind has been torn apart by the constant whispering, nightmare creatures, etc. He's still not sure how he survived those first few days, but since then he has gotten used to it all, and has even learned to manipulate the shadows to his bidding.
I'd say it was pretty good for a first go at this, although it does sound a little bit Mary Sue/Marty Stu-ish to me, but that may just be the whole "You are your worst critic" kind of thing
Edited by Blazingice26
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Name: Wright

Gender: Male 

Bio: Wright was a defense attorney, who goes by his last name now-


I'm just joking. My real character:


Name: West

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Bio: West is a schizophrenic who kept seeing Shadow Hands and other things out of the corner of his eye. He was a famous cartographer, with an old compass. One day, a Shadow Hand lunged at him, and tried to pull him down into the ether to get him to the Don't Starve world. Of course, nobody thought to help him, as he is a schizophrenic and they had heard this from him many times before. Now, West finds himself in an unfamiliar land, with his compass now magical, but he notes there appears to be something sinister about it.


-Can track things with his magic compass, in specific, or in general, provided he has seen one or has a sample. If tracking a specific one, he has to have seen it. Rmb is track, and when tracking General, a minimap will appear, with red blips being the things. 

-Can make incredibly detailed maps, with every nook and cranny. With the Shadow Manipulator, he can make a map showing each individual creature moving around on the map. The maps must be filled in the normal way.


-Is schizophrenic, so he starts off the game in total insanity, and has a lower sanity altogether. His sanity is decreasing at all times.

-His compass will often maliciously lead him into danger, such as tentacles, or wasp nests.

-He refuses to use the normal map, as he claims it is amateur.

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