ability to share maps with other players and map seeds (plus bears and winter)

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i love it that every map is randomly generated and the map i play is unique(3 mandrakes on the same road within 1 min of eachother near spawn, rare?). I'm slightly tired of this map and would like a new map, but i have no way of saving this world and having another world to play with, more over i would like to let my friends play the map i have and vise versa.

so i suggest there be a way for multiple world save files and/or a way to share worlds or keep worlds with seed generation (yes, like minecraft).

plus side suggestion of adding bears in forest biomes (they're a little empty) and bear dens.

-bears eat berries and raid beehives and are neutral until attacked or you come in between them and food, or just plan hostile.

bears drop berries/claw/honeycomb/manure.

-bear dens are destructible spawners that yeld stone(high amount)/flint/berries/manure/honeycomb/claws when destroyed.

-bear sleeps in them at night, 1-2 bear per den, bears come out when den attacked

one last thing, snow biomes and/or winter/snow. what about them? donno... play with the idea.

would be fun if you had to keep from freezing to death.

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Some kind of interaction between players is planned. Could be a map sharing thingy, or could be something else. Nobody knows :)

Bears have been suggested before, and Im all for that idea. More animals!

And Kevin hinted that winter will be in a future update, so, yay :)

Also, Welcome.

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welcome to the forums!

Basically , I think this is a great idea , and the mods will probably implement it , it'd be good for races or a challenge to see who can survive the longest with the same resources and things. Winter seems like a great idea for the game , decreases resources , so you have to survive on pure instincts - eating leftover foods and monster meat - all while trying to survive the cold (maybe even a mittens item?)

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winter could easly at a multitude of items, mittens included(Beefalo hair mittens? sounds fun... and stinky :) )

Nah, I want my hands free for tools/weapons. Rather I would like a beefalo jacket to keep me warm. After all, we already have a beefalo hat, so why not a matching set?

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Sure anything you can think for winter would be great.

i've done some reading around and I’m thinking of starting a new thread for most common and new thoughts/ideas for winter.

Just to help with organization and get suggestions on same page.

could do this for all common suggestion but thats too big of a project for me alone

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Hey, is there anyway to save maps as of present?

That depends on what you mean by "save maps". If you mean save the generated map (islands), then the map is saved between games. If you die or start a new game you automatically restart on the same island as your last game. However you do lose everything, except unlocked inventions and research points.

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Yeah, I really would like the ability to read and use the seed of the map generation.

I had a really nice map before, it was pretty much perfect. Small continent, everything close together. However, always playing the same map can be boring, so I started a new one two days ago. But now I regret that decision, I really miss my old map and there's no way of getting it back. :(

It doesn't have to multiple save games, one is fine with me. Just the ability to enter a seed value when you click on "Make New World" and something that tells you the seed value of your current world (like pressing one of the F-keys ingame). That would be already sufficient.

Edited by TourianTourist
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I would prefer having the ability to play mulitiple worlds - like in Minecraft. I love this game and sometimes I'd like to try out a different world set up, but still keep the current one I'm working on. I don't see why this would be a problem for them to do. Also, the manual save thing, I think if we purchase the game, we should have the right to save it at any moment we want. I'm not interested in "cheating" by saving in the manner it says "they" are worried about, but I still think if I'm paying for the game, it should be my perogative (I have no idea how to spell that). I'm not trying to compete with anyone, I just want to play for myself. Therefore, give me the ability to save whenever I please. I've already bought the game, so it's not like you have to convince me to do so. Just give us manual saves, as well as the ability to save multiple worlds to switch back and forth from, please?

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I would prefer having the ability to play mulitiple worlds - like in Minecraft. I love this game and sometimes I'd like to try out a different world set up, but still keep the current one I'm working on. I don't see why this would be a problem for them to do.

Ah, well my guess is that maybe this has to do with shared accounts. If two players share one account they can both play if the game allowed multiple maps. Since the game only has one map/save each user needs their own copy/account. Or maybe there's another reason...?

Also, the manual save thing, I think if we purchase the game, we should have the right to save it at any moment we want. I'm not interested in "cheating" by saving in the manner it says "they" are worried about, but I still think if I'm paying for the game, it should be my perogative (I have no idea how to spell that). I'm not trying to compete with anyone, I just want to play for myself. Therefore, give me the ability to save whenever I please. I've already bought the game, so it's not like you have to convince me to do so. Just give us manual saves, as well as the ability to save multiple worlds to switch back and forth from, please?

Well the idea of a single-save system has its root in Rogue-like games. The idea that you have but one life to live and, when lost, you are dead forever. Like in real life. Now in Don't Starve there are work-arounds to death (Meat Effigy and Amulets), so it's not a true Rogue-like game.

That being said, maybe what would work for you is the ability to quicksave, or "save on exit". I've suggested this before. Simply it would allow you to quit and save the game whenever you prefer and when you come back you're right where you left off. The only reason why I think the game doesn't have this feature yet is because right now the creature AI "forgets" what it was doing between the last save/load. So if you engage in combat, the game saves, and you quit/reload, the creature you were fighting stops attacking. Until this is resolved a quicksave wouldn't be possible or it could be abused.

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