"Staff post"

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So I've noticed that recently Toaster Fu and Excess and whoever else have been granted staff designations for their posts.

I find this irritating.

Whether or not they deserve to be labelled as staff is immaterial. What bugs me is that before I could look for the little yellow page symbol and know I was going to see some developer insight (generally from Kevin). Now those symbols are goddamn everywhere and basically meaningless.

So I think they should be given a different symbol - like a moderator post symbol. Either that or the devs should be given a super ultra special symbol so I don't open every 'staff post' thread just to go "Aw, its just that guy."

Not game related, but still a suggestion.

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ROFL @ "Aw, its just that guy" >.<, but u make a fair point. Seperating devs from moderators is a very valid suggestion imo and im not even sure a seperate moderator symbol is necessary, they did just fine without a special symbol (altho mayb for vanity's sake they should get another one ^_^)

Toaster Fu, LadyD, Excess and cptCalavera are the ones that have been given a nice golden name and moderator status. They are the veterans of this forum so to speak.They are a bunch of awesome ppl, who spend many hours a day on this forum helping people with guides and technical difficulties and they have made a long list of suggestions on how to improve and balance the game. A nice token of appreciation by Klei.

But indeed they are not part of the dev team and have no additional insight other than what the devs post here about the game and its future course/contents. U can be sure tho that IF there is a post somewhere with info, they have been all over it ;)

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We do tend to have a little more insight (insider tips and all *wink*) but we are indeed not Developers.

We have already talked to the devs about trying to get it either removed or altered as Fu said.

Thanks for your patience in the mean time!

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@Toaster Fu: Oh no, its "that guy" again. :D

Hahahah that still cracks me up. For some reason that sentence hit my funny bone.

Edited by NeedPants
LadyD ninjad the post under Toaster so i added @toaster to the post. Everyone knows ladyD is not a GUY!
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All good points.

I would have to agree that in the past it was much easier to recognize a thread where a DEV had posted by the appearance of the golden K (for Klei). The easiest option would be to prevent it appearing on posts made by the Moderators, so as not to cause confusion. That or replace it with another icon.

That being said, I can certainly see why those users were selected as Moderators as they have a strong understanding of the game and its varied mechanics to date, which allows them to make well-informed responses here on the forum.

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That's where the problem is Mobius, the Devs are classified as mods. So if they take it off for us it would most likely get taken off for the Devs.

Would it be possible for the Devs to have another ranking? I'm obviously not a forum admin so I don't know how it's handled, but most forums have 3-4 basic levels: Anonymous, Member, Moderator, Admin. In forums I've administered we could also create other ranks that were a mix of these permissions. Again, I have no idea how it works here.

If it's impossible or improbable (because of the difficulty), then I would say just leave things as they are now. It doesn't bother me that much. :)

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The problems lies not on the ranks, which already exist, but on the forum plugin that displays the little K for staff members. It's the plugin that lacks the ability to discern between the different ranks and treats them all as equal.

I think.

But rest assured that this was brought up by Fu yesterday to the devs and they are looking into it.

Hopefully with our help organizing the forums they can now take a break and fix several other things they had to postpone or have planned for the forums.

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