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Adventure! Art! Abdominal Pain!

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So i guess no more headers


Cause maybe ill get around to remaking them BI

But for now

have some pictures.

While i type finish the new story posts

And email myself the picture...pictures..

:juggling: Juggling pokemon roleplays and dont starve stories

And i think my brain exploded for a while :spidercowers:

sorry :wilson_facepalm:

(Ok im done abusing the emotes ;-; )



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(Another part of the adventure part something or other of one.)


Wilson had to start jogging, barely able to make it to where she stopped. She's sniffing at the air before releasing a gut rumbling howl. How a human being could create such noise was beyond him. He grunts trying to focus, what was she doing? A howl is heard from afar. She grunts, standing, straightening herself. “We only have a few ways to go before we make it. But, there are hounds there. Mountains of hounds.” From what he could tell, she wasn’t worried; in fact, she seemed excited, even though he couldn’t see it on her face.


“Is there any way around it?”


“Not that I know of, not that…”


“Ok, so how do you expect us to get over there?”


“I’ve never had troubles with the hounds, you, might have an issue though.”


He gives her a disgruntled face and looks away. He instead looks at the road ahead, dissatisfied with everything right now.




The day went by quickly, but who wouldn't rush at the sight of foaming mouths filled to the brim with teeth? Probably the wolf, but not like she'd brag. At the other side of the mound, they were shredding the ground as they run. It had started to rain, and the road they were running on was being more trouble than help. Looking back only for a second Wilson runs into something wet, and squishy. Wynn struggles to stop, hearing an "oohfmf!" She slides on the slick road, unintentionally tackling a pig. She smiles sheepishly as the pig gives her a dirty look, rubbing its ear. It shoves her off and grunts. "Stupid wolf. Always... grumble..grumble.." The pig she knew, and had taught him some things, mostly English, but that’s another story. She snaps out of it, looking for the scientist. Squashed between a Piggy King and a hard place, she tries not to laugh pushing the giant beast off him. He gasps, clawing out into the grass. Wilson just lays there as Wynn pokes at his misery.


"I think I'll just lay out in the rain till I don't smell of sweaty ham." He whines, face in the dirt, better than on that...thing.. Wynn just laughs, decide it’s fine to rest, and goes off to look around.

Edited by SirKnight
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sometimes i wonder if its all worth it

Worth writing this

Worth coming on here

Worth liking these things

Worth living


My brain hurts

Need to do dishies

Need to type story

Need to get a life

Need some chocolate mint ice cream ;_;


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Shes really just a little girl in wolfs skin

(I mean...maybe not LITTLE...but... shes around 16-17, too young to be around grown ass men in the middle of the wilderness >:I )

((not like she has a choice... BUT WHATEVER))


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Adventure one



Wynn liked this stop; The rain was cooling and the wind was low. With loads of pigs, it was like a festival, for meat! She knew she wasn't going to be able to get any of the fattening meat, though she missed the flavor, instead started making friends. Easy, considering they had the same idea, and werent the smartest. The wolf built a gang within the hour, and started marching arcross the plains, searching for food.


Spiders, too gooey.Rabbits were getting old. Too many Beefalo.But Tallbirds.. She hadn't had that in a while... The eggs were good too.. She declared war! Rushing the pigs forward, and she herself snatched all the eggs during the comotion, but still drew attention from the angry mothers. With her on their sights, and the pigs killing them off as she runs away.This was too easy. With the battle nearly over, and only one Tallbird left, it let out a sorrowful screech before falling to its death.The pigs gathered the meat, eating the spoils.


Wynn makes her way back to Wilson, on his back, looking miserable. "Got eggs." She shows him her armful of eggs. He groans. "We already have food.. Why'd you go out and get more?" She laughs. "Can never be too careful," Putting the eggs in the bag, and putting it over her shoulder. "We've got only a while left, but im sure we can make it... Before.. Winter.." Snow.Only a powder now, but it would get thick soon. "lets go, now." She pulls him up, and he whines, but stands up, ceasing his complaints, and starts walking by her......


It was getting colder.....

And darker..

And colder..

And colder..

They were almost there..


A huge machine, made of metal and wood.They were almost there.


Wilson began to run, suddenly realizing, what that was.

It was him!

He did this!

It wasn't just a dream, it wasn't just coincidence!

It was real! It was all real!

Wynn panted, surprised that he could move so quickly. The man faded behind the trees, clanking could be heard, and a yell, his yell.She rushed past the trees, stopping before she got too close, hands, shadows wrapped him, dragged him into the door, then he was gone. The door shut.She fell to her knees, her heart was pounding. What had she done?......


The door swung open and spit out something, right onto the wolf. It was a middle aged man, someone she knew, someone she hated. Another being was shot out too, someone unknown, someone she assumed could only be his 'buddy'. She roared! Dragging the limp bodies to the trees, tying them up. Ready for questioning.The real adventure was begining.

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This is a story about love

(warning. :3 theres kissing involved.)((these are two characters from ds, dont worry. I only have the one oc.))


There once lived a girl, a demon, only loved by her mother. She walked the beaches of the island she was birthed. A boy, Cursed with the knowledge not to be know by men. He watched her.They didn't know one another.


Infact they hated.


She for him hurting her.


Him for her appearance.




But he didn't hate her.He adored her.

Admired her power.

Her bravery to still walk upon these sands.

He could be infatuated, but he thinks he may be in love.So he runs, runs for the town, to visit her mother.He asks her daughters interests, dislikes, tastes, and takes notes.He plans to use them, but not completely. Hes seen the fools making themes just for women, they may enjoy it, but not LOVE it.


He puts a twist, his own little plot, to lure her into his maw, and chrush her with so much love she cannot possibly reject him.....It is the full moon, and she wanders the wood, as often has. The moon light spilled over the forest floor like freshly splattered blood. He awaits in his most dapper do up, and as she passes, he strikes her.A sudden and sloppy kiss, ending as soon as it was brought. She sees him, she hates him, is he making fun of her?


If he is, she cannot see, she can only see his eyes whispering secrects, and his arms around her waist, quivering with fear.He feels something licking his stomach, he knows whats there, but looks anyway. "Kiss her again." It hisses, a voice of a rabbit. "She likes it." She goes red, her pale eyes gone bright. He has done it, he was sure it was going to fail, but it worked!But she doesn't love him.But she doesn't hate him.It worked.It really worked..!

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This is a story about misfortuneThere were days the teen would come over, and bring the man books. He loved books. Books of science, books of stories, books of the forbiddin knowledge. That book, she thought it may have been a book of stories, and handed it over. She had forgotten where she found it.She left him to his work. The man really wished she would stay, but she left anyway. He knew this to be normal, she wont get close to him, she wont barely talk to him, but he knows its because she doesn't know what else to do.He avoids the book until one evening, hes out of any other book, prying open the cover, staring at such horrid information.It was beautiful.A canvas of an island, bare, deserted. All for his taking. But how to get there?He reads without seeing the warnings it gave, or ignored them, searching feverishly.He finds it.A door.To a whole other world.One where they could live, without the glare of others.It was perfect.He began the build, deep in the woods, farther than the girl would see. He wanted it to be a surprise. Days passed.Energy drained.He placed the last piece. It sputtered to life.Then shut down.He searched for the reason, the book had no answers, just a brown smudge.Blood.It needed blood.Without much thought, he tore open his hand, sloppy, gushing blood was smeared over the machine, burning his hand.He didnt care. It worked.Rushing to her house the next morning, he explained his reasons. She only noticed the burned shut wound on his hand, touching it with care. He pulled his hand away, a wild look in his eyes.He grabbed her and went off.Pass the town,Pass the normal wooden area.There it stood, high, menacing, yet infatuating.It called.It whispered.It opened its jaws.He led her forward.Moments, he started to think; Was this a bad idea?Too late.It had them in its claws, scooping them into its gaping mouth and with a slam, the door shut.
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I post a lot sorry




Time to do the next adventure. Whatever shall happen this time?


You'll see! (If i still have people reading this)


._. (watch me get no replies.)


Wynn is irritated as usual.

Wilson has been dragged into the door.

And a couple of men were shot out of the door.


Oh my

Such suspense

And those 2 short snipits of story?

They play some part in this whole plot

:3 typing up the new part as we speak.

have fun

Eat meat

And dont touch the merm

hes sensitive about his slimy skin ;-;

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