stone/gold armor with gold weapons

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In the long run I really hope we see differnt tiers for differnt technlogical levels like wood --> copper --> iron --> steel --> ??? for weapons, tools and armor because we will need them against the armies of insanely powerfull monsters we are going to face.

backpacks also need small, medium, large size.

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I wouldn't want there to be too many similar tiers of items (stone axe, copper axe, iron axe, steel axe), because in a new game, it would be all about getting to the highest tier as fast as possible, without the items actually changing/progressing/evolving and being different than what you had before, and a lot of resources become worthless. This is a problem with Minecraft and Terraria and one I don't want to see repeated in Don't Starve. Thank GOD they made bee mines, or flints wouldn't even have a place in the game after day 2.

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I wouldn't want there to be too many similar tiers of items [...] and a lot of resources become worthless. [...] Thank GOD they made bee mines, or flints wouldn't even have a place in the game after day 2.

My thoughts exactly.

No more "tiers", but new things.

I jump straight to the turbo farm, I don't even research the previous ones.

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No more "tiers", but new things.

I don't mind tiers, but they need to make sense or simply put, there needs to be a reasonble sense of progression in crafting. I wouldn't want tiers just for the sake of tiers (i.e. flint tool to get bronze ore, bronze tool to get iron ore, iron tool to get...blah). In another thread someone made similar suggestions, for example after iron was steel, but to craft steel you needed coal (because wood-based fire wouldn't create enough heat) as well as a blacksmith tool (crucible?) to shape the liquid steel.

I jump straight to the turbo farm, I don't even research the previous ones.

Which is what I do... but doesn't that seem a bit broken? How did we figure out turbo farming without first knowing how to farm normally? It feels like we're missing a step. Then again, I've played lots of Civilization turn-based games and I enjoy progressing along a sensible technology tree. Either Klei needs to eliminate the normal garden or rationalize its worth. For example, what if you couldn't "create" a turbo plot, but rather it's an upgrade provided to a normal plot. So you would first need to create a normal garden plot, and then apply the "turbo" upgrade to it once to advance it. Then you would need the normal garden researched.

In short, the "turbo" garden should in fact be something like... super fertilizer. You create the normal garden and then you craft the super fertilizer, and by using it on the normal garden it becomes a turbo garden.

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That sounds like a good idea Mobius. One would make some farm plots fairly early (as they are dirt cheap... LOL GET IT?! DIRT!), for some early food, then, once one had the more-difficult-to-obtain ingredients from playing for a while, the farm plot could and would be improved. A good example of a resource one can't get very early is butterfly wings. It takes both rope and silk to make a net, so one would have to intend to get butterfly wings in order to go about getting them, as opposed to something you just easily grab along the way (like flint, twigs, grass, etc).

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