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How to use power of Willow?


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I use it a couple different ways. Sometimes I set up a campfire and then go gather resources on the edges of the light. If you used any other character you will inevitably have to run back to the fire when you get the "what was that?" message. With Willow my range is increased as I don't have to worry about dying to darkness. Other times I may have forgotten to gather enough wood by nightfall or am just feeling lazy. In that case I can just go afk through the night, no campfire needed. It's limited in it's use though. You don't really want to travel at night relying on her ability because chances are you will end up burning down a forest or two and there goes your wood.

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Willow's power is cool and really handy for avoiding the "thing" that bites you. However, make sure you're away from you flammable farm items like saplings, grass, trees and berry bushes. I had about 15 saplings burn down and 10 grass pieces go up in flames when I lingered too long in the darkness. Really set me back.

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Well I never noticed if it took any resources off me at the time but it may have done. What they're talking about is in order for Willow to use her power in the darkness (and you know it's right when you see the dialogue "It's so dark!") she will spontaneously create a little fire at her feet provided you have fire making materials, so grass and sticks, in your inventory a fire will appear.

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