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Although I don't have anything essentially against skill trees, I see them as just an extension of refreshes (basically refresh 2.0 + covering characters that haven't even had a rework) and I would prefer them not to exist, but with the new features added intrinsically to the characters. For example: Wigfrid would have the new battle rond, spear, helmet, songs, everything, etc., even without it being behind a skill tree; the same for Wormwood and other characters who have already received or will receive it. Maybe it would just remain the lunar/shadow alignment part, a simple structure in the world to choose about it or something like that. However, in reality, I don't know how Klei would do this round 2 of refreshes without having a "disguise" like skill trees for this.

Currently, I'm at a point of complacency where I don't want to go against the skill trees in any way, after all it's a fact that they already exist, six characters have already received them. There doesn't seem to be any doubt here anymore, I'm in acceptance.

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The Skill Trees in general kinda feel to me, like...more of just making the game as a whole uber-super...FIDDLY. Like there're so many things to keep track of now, both good and bad, no matter which character you're playing. I like to just sort of...dig in and lose myself in my own play style, just...I dunno how to describe it. I guess I'll use another game as an example to illustrate it: The Sims.

The Sims games, all of them, have a bunch of add-ons. Sometimes you want their gameplay, sometimes the constant pop-ups about this "great opportunity" your Sim could try right now at the so-and-so place! get annoying with the way they interrupt you all the time. Sometimes, you just wanna dig in, and play some good old-fashioned skill-raisin', need-managin', slow over-time gradual house-buildin', maybe raise a kid or two along the way...but you keep being told about how you can become Famous now, go to college, or hit the slopes at the local vacation place. LEAVE ME ALONE, GAME, I'M BUSY HERE!

The Skill Trees in DST kinda feel like that, to me. Sometimes i just wanna build my base at my own pace, in my own way, go out and gather, occasionally almost die from monsters or weather, ya know, the usual, but ONLY that, without all these...extra...features, constantly reminding me that they're there. I used to have an elaborate challenge that involved playing DST as if you were going through the eras of human history. I LOVED it. It was challenging, interesting, and super-fun. Over time I gave up doing that, as with all the additions, I'd have to CONSTANTLY keep re-writing the rules to make sure I include or at least _mention_ whatever new stuff was added and figure out what time period/chaper of the challenge (blank) would be in, etc. NOW, I think that even playing a _basic_ my-playstyle-only thing might not be possible anymore.

Willow is my fave, partly because of her personality, partly because her perks and problems don't pop up and annoy you TOO often. Now, she's got a Skill Tree too, so she's gone down the Fiddly and Fancier Than I Want path. DST now kinda feels like I bought too many DLCs and am regretting some of the purchases, and wishing I could turn some mechanics off, for a while. I've downloaded a mod that disables SkillTrees entirely, but for now I'm playing without it to see just HOW annoyed I'll get. But, again, screw you if you're not playing on PC.

TL;DR: Sometimes you just wanna catch rabbits. harvest your crops, build furniture that you had to cheat to learn how to make for some stupid reason, and fight off hounds, ya know?
(And don't say "Play regular Don't Starve, then." The games are REALLY different at this point. They've now gone down entirely different evolutionary paths. I do like many of the _older_ DST-only things, sooo...)


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