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Things you'd really like to see

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I would like to know what all of you have been wanting or waiting for in the world of DST

Mine are:

Hat and weapon racks

Varried seasons:

Each season would have 3 to 4 variations, randomly rolled each change of season so you would never know which one you'd get. Each variation would have different mechanics, unique mobs, new flora and fauna. Sooo many creative things could come from this and truly make each year different!

adding stuff from the Gorge. Wheat, grinding stone, recipes that require the ovens, grills, cooking dishes, (we could get them from billy?) etc. (Maybe even include the burning mechanic to the new recipes/cooking stations) Sugar plum tree's with taps for syrup, milk. Pretty much everything lol

Letting our pets do more than cry

Cant wait to see what other idea's you have!

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Variations of existing Seasons with different weather effects (such as global Sandstorm during Summer)

Completely Brand New Seasons (or imports of the 8 existing in SW/Hamlet)

Charlie as a playable character that’s unlocked through a special in-game Quest (like Unlocking Maxwell from solo DS)

An Actual Adventures Mode (like Maxwells Doorway in Solo DS) 

Walani as a playable character

A new mode that is the exact opposite of “Relaxed” where things are much more Uncompromising.

Updates to the Seasonal Events- Winters Feast, Hallowed Nights & Midsummers Cawnival that extend beyond just new skins and add actual new gameplay content.

(such as a Grass Gecko creating Max Scientist Potion for Hallowed Nights & new Playable Cawnival games for the Cawnival)

And of course- More randomized generation, in the way my worlds are randomly generated.

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48 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

Charlie as a playable character that’s unlocked through a special in-game Quest (like Unlocking Maxwell from solo DS)

So when Charlie enters into the darkness, who will attack her? Charlie herself? 

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53 minutes ago, yvvt0379 said:

So when Charlie enters into the darkness, who will attack her? Charlie herself? 

You could make it so human Charlie and the other half of her split so now that other half is the one hitting us in the darkness while we can now play as regular Charlie or something like that. 

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5 hours ago, Reiko24 said:

You can put weapons and hats on mannequins

Yea, it's nice to finally have them! And believe me i utilize them, But I'm asking for a rack for weapons and hats so you can fit more than 1 at a time. That way I don't need 40 of the things. Also the switch clothing is a little annoying having to drop ur backpack Etc.

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•A vegetable/fruit equivelent of meaty stew, or at least something with 100+ hunger

•More Honey recipies

•A carrot dish

•A crockpot/drying rack upgrade

•More dishes that come out in batches of 3

•Can we get a (normal) cake dish please klei, such a tease with that 10th aniversery chest skin:lol:

• Small late game incentives to encourage staying as the same character

•More dreadstone crafts. Imagine a dreadstone infused pick/axe that slowly repairs itself.... hm maybe thats too much, but hey we have the armor and that seems fine

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I'd like more early game content like new biomes, new plants, new objects, new mobs, new setpieces and also some more variations and mixing of the existing content. Make berry bushes and juicy berry bushes (and the other ressource variations) coexist, set them to specific biomes and setpieces. Let the Pig King live in another biome instead only in the Decidious one. Add some more mixed biomes like in the Adventure Mode of Don't Starve. I'm just tired of the same world after 7 years - there is only variety, if the world generation messed up, but that's not exactly what I want (even I kinda like it).

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