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ps4 servers situation

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Ever since the rifts update, joining servers on ps4 has become inconsistent to put it lightly, I'd say it only works about 20% of the time. Generally you either get stuck in an infinite loading screen or you get an error after a long wait. This is for private/klei hosted and even joining your own worlds, it doesn't matter. I have friends who lost(can't join) their long terms worlds because of this. Obviously this makes playing with other people borderline impossible, or at the very least frustrating, and playing by yourself midly infuriating. 

There are multiple reports of this on the bug tracker, but I'm yet to see a dev address it, which worries me a little. On ps5 it seems to be working just fine. 

Is there a realistic plan to fix this? Should we expect these issues to persist, or get worse with future content updates for ps4 users?


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I know that this is in no way helpful, but I have not experienced this issue at all. However, I have seen people come and go like "Player has joined the game" and before they spawn in "Player has left the game". Happens multiple times before they give up I guess.

I guess that explains whats going on there.

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