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[Idea revamped] Corpse flower; Introducing weedwalker!

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Let me preface by saying Wormwood is not the best farmer, Wickerbottom is; and her skill tree isn't even out yet.


[New] Buff: Fruit flies following Wormwood will become "excited" and plant weeds around wormwood without the need of plots. Similar to the daywalker they will die after some time.

No different to how a corpse flower may use flies to pollinate.

Bonus: The pheromones wormwood produces encourages them to produce more beneficial weeds; tillweed and forget-me-lots.


Wormwood is in a unique situation where the hard work he does (farming) only benefits him by 2/3 (no healing). This continues ahead of other characters like Wickerbottom, Wurt, Warly, and Maxwell who may have skills that may be veggie oriented with greater farming capabilities or veggies bonuses (more spices per ingredient for example).


I want to future proof him a unique niche; tillweed and forget-me-lots farms. 

Synergies: Assuming my other buff suggestion gets passed

Wormwood will have an easier time creating tillweed salve. Now Wormwood can farm healing just like other survivors can farm tons of tomatoes/potatoes/ dragon fruit.

If he has to use bug nets that will be more tedious but still possible. 

Summer is the season with the most butterfly spawns giving even shade plant a use.

Oh your forget-me-lots bolted?



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8 minutes ago, NoodlemanNed said:

its certainly better than what we have now but for tillweed salves the limiting factor was always petals so without his old perk the salves are still way too hard to get for what they do


I'm really hoping we get some way to facilitate petal production, even if through butterflies.

1 minute ago, Jakepeng99 said:

Is "Corpse Flower" a real life plant you are refering too? 


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From my experience cultivating weeds u dont need any bonus towards planting forget me lots cuz as soon as theres 1, it spreads like.. yknow a weed. And it will spread from bolted plants too when u clear its surroundings. Also, like 90% of the weeds planted by fruitflies are FMLs.

I dont think i really understand what ur suggesting. 

Once the lord is summoned, any character can drag him from his spawn point to a different farm plot within his aggro range with tilled soil and the fruitflies will rush all the tilled spots and generate weeds in them in rapid succession. 

Then you drop the lord’s aggro and he goes back to his spawn point and now u have a patch full of weeds. Dig up the ones u dont want, till the soil again and drag the lord over to it again. Rinse and repeat. 

u only need to do this once and ur set. 

Since wormwood would still need the lord to spawn i dont really see how he would be better at this than anyone else.

Cultivating weeds with fruitflies is anti synergistic with wormwood actually because ur forced to till the soil lol. 

They have also made fire nettles useless on Wormwood whereas other survivors can use it + insulating clothing for a fun and novel way to make it through winter. 

If wormwood were able to extract seeds from weeds and multiply them that way independently from the lord, that could be interesting. But not without petal production. 

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4 minutes ago, Jakepeng99 said:

I still think this heeds more because this is almost the exact same as it currently is except the current version is bugged(maybe) where they become aggressive after planting weeds.

It's not quite the same, as currently there not much of a benefit to interacting with fruitflies. 

Fruitflies also plant weeds extremely slooooowly. I didn't express by how much it should be boosted as I leave that up to Klei but it should be greatly noticeable. If wormwood could create a full plot of tillweed by the end of one day (and provides he has the petals), that 252 healing every 6ish days.

They also don't need any maintenance. Tillweed also have a very small chance to spawn so if the skill could help with that you could create fields and fields of them.

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I still want the bramble trap to not damage walls/fences, or a bramble wall craft. I feel changing the LotFF Loot would be more beneficial since the Fly Trap increases LotFF spawns.

(Also totally forgot about that movie holy blast from the past batman)

1 minute ago, HowlVoid said:

They also don't need any maintenance. Tillweed also have a very small chance to spawn so if the skill could help with that you could create fields and fields of them.

This would be nice too eh.

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10 minutes ago, Ohan said:

From my experience cultivating weeds u dont need any bonus towards planting forget me lots cuz as soon as theres 1, it spreads like.. yknow a weed. And it will spread from bolted plants too when u clear its surroundings. Also, like 90% of the weeds planted by fruitflies are FMLs.

I dont think i really understand what ur suggesting. 

Once the lord is summoned, any character can drag him from his spawn point to a different farm plot within his aggro range with tilled soil and the fruitflies will rush all the tilled spots and generate weeds in them in rapid succession. 

Then you drop the lord’s aggro and he goes back to his spawn point and now u have a patch full of weeds. Dig up the ones u dont want, till the soil again and drag the lord over to it again. Rinse and repeat. 

u only need to do this once and ur set. 

Since wormwood would still need the lord to spawn i dont really see how he would be better at this than anyone else.

Cultivating weeds with fruitflies is anti synergistic with wormwood actually because ur forced to till the soil lol. 

They have also made fire nettles useless on Wormwood whereas other survivors can use it + insulating clothing for a fun and novel way to make it through winter. 

If wormwood were able to extract seeds from weeds and multiply them that way independently from the lord, that could be interesting. But not without petal production. 

Wouldn't allowing the flies to create them make it easier for them to spread?

Additionally, the chance for a weed to be a tillweed is 7.7% which is why I'm hoping wormwood can filter the only two weeds he can actually use. 

An added utility could be that flies can farm weeds without tilled soil?

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Also having Wormwood (or others) be able to catch fruitflies either with his hands (like you suggested with butterfly) or with bug net and plant weeds with the caught fruitflies would be neat too. I suggested that last week at some point. Maybe have Fly Trap or change the name to Corpse Flower just passify the LotFF and its FFs so it is neutral towards you, as such you can catch said fruitflies with ease.

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Imagine if spiny bindweeds could cage enemies that attack Wormwood.. and he could somehow plant them where he wanted. 

And if fire nettles could heat up Wormwood without overheating him. 

And he could cultivate tilweeds with the petal production back for salves.

but no, “plant boi” = crafting saplings and berrybushes. 

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8 minutes ago, Ohan said:

Imagine if spiny bindweeds could cage enemies that attack Wormwood.. and he could somehow plant them where he wanted. 

And if fire nettles could heat up Wormwood without overheating him. 

And he could cultivate tilweeds with the petal production back for salves.

but no, “plant boi” = crafting saplings and berrybushes. 

I don't know if people will scream "opeee!"

But what if fruitflies helped spread other veggies instead of weeds? 

Like you have a plot of tomatoes, and an empty plot nearby. When you pass by the field of tomatoes with them in tow it changes their "cultivating pool".

Now they will grown tomatoes in empty plots instead of weeds. Allowing wormwood to mass cultivate dozens of farms at a time :lol:

Bringing forth the the true pollinator skill.

Although wormwood still doesn't benefit that much from veggies...

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41 minutes ago, HowlVoid said:

Wouldn't allowing the flies to create them make it easier for them to spread?

Additionally, the chance for a weed to be a tillweed is 7.7% which is why I'm hoping wormwood can filter the only two weeds he can actually use. 

An added utility could be that flies can farm weeds without tilled soil?

Fruit flies already can Plant weeds at light speed. Being able to plant without soil would be cool, but also be a double edge sword for when you are farming non weeds.

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Made the idea more exciting while still working with what's the foundation.

Personally I'd prefer this replaced with something else all together.

Update is coming out soon so I think it's safe to say tweaks are over. Disregard this post 

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