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Story traits on old colony (no Sandbox, want achievements)?

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Hey, quick question. I have an old colony (old-ish, I have the dreams stuff and the duplicant container already there). I'd like to update it to have the new additions. There's a wonderful mod on Steam that adds meteors and seasons (thank you!), but there doesn't seem to be one adding the fossils :(

Is there a way I could somehow hack them into the colony without using Sandbox mode? It's an achievement run so that'd be a big ole bummer ;)

Thank you!

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43 minutes ago, Ellilea said:

Boo :( I get it, but boo :( Maybe one day Klei could make it work somehow.

How? Ists part of the world. Your world is already generated. You already build stuff in there. How should they add changes in the world, without doing damage in the process?

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10 hours ago, Ellilea said:

Boo :( I get it, but boo :( Maybe one day Klei could make it work somehow.

I've never used it, but maybe you could use developer (debug) mode and commands to add what you like to your map and then use a mod to reenable achievements.

Perhaps someone else with more experience with debug could help with this?

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I never used it, but I remember people talking about mod that enables achievements in sandbox/debug mode

So you could spawn new story traits with debug mode and then enable the mod to allow you getting more achievements.

Never tried either of that, but it should be possible

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On 7/1/2023 at 5:51 PM, SharraShimada said:

How should they add changes in the world, without doing damage in the process?

How about "discovering" a new asteroid with all the new stuff (ploping a new asteroid in the map) for the player to explore.

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On 7/8/2023 at 3:54 PM, melquiades said:

How about "discovering" a new asteroid with all the new stuff (ploping a new asteroid in the map) for the player to explore.

Sounds possible at the very beginning but still a lot of things to be considered.

Some meteors and interplanetary payloads may be "blocked" by the new asteroid since we may save the game at any time.

Not sure if Klei have left space for the "real" DLC map because it will add a lot of new elements and take some space.

I remember when Klei keep adding things to DST in Return of Them, that's easier because there are a lot of empty space in the surface map and cave map. They use seas, fog of war, and wormholes to connect them. But ONI has a quite different system.

Beyond that, any ideas are welcome and I believe Klei will always give us some surprises.


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On 7/10/2023 at 4:06 AM, DolphinWing said:

Sounds possible at the very beginning but still a lot of things to be considered.

allthough it sounds possible, it is mostly not.

the physics grid (where everything is simulated), is genererated along with the world generation. after that its dimensions are fixed and it cannot be expanded or reduced in size without crashing the game.

For the same reason is a limit of 16 rockets in place, during world gen a set area gets added that allows placing rocket interiors. Note that this grid always exists, it just gets allocated (made active/inactive) dynamically. The limit is in place as the game only guarantees the space for these 16 rockets and it cannot add more.
For additional asteroids, there simply isnt any space on the grid left to create one as they are far larger than rockets.

the easiest approach would be a menu that just allows placing each of the templates yourself (once) and locks itself out if all are placed

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