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Transmutation Perk suggestions

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I feel like I am not the only one with thoughts like this.

But I feel like "Transmute Ore I" and "Transmute Gems I" could be changed.

For Transmute Ore I, why not make it the same way "Transmutation works"?
No one needs THIS much of Flint, if anything, many people would rather to find a way to spend flint instead.


For Transmute Gems I, for this one I am really not sure if someone else feels the same way. But I feel like 3 Red Gems for 1 Blue is too much. Normal craft for purple gem is 1R/1B. which means making purple gem via transmutate is VERY expensive and honestly doesnt make much sense. say you have 9 red gems, would you rather turn them into 3 blue gems and craft them into purple? or turn 3 red gems into 1 blue and make purple via crafting menu? So, here is my alternative suggestion. In the end, you still pay 3 blue gems to make one purple that way.


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It is just there for you to consider and if you have too much of one gem you can transmute but it shouldn't be your go to method so you can get gems you want.

Also something else to consider is Varg farm as you can get blue and red gems to craft purple gems so you can transmute them.

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