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My Electrolyzer Build

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Can someone help me what's wrong with this electrolyzer build? Its taking in oxygen than hydrogen. I'm trying to follow Cryptic Fox's tutorial. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl8YxW3lTEw Please help me. Thank you.

Edit: How do I prime this damn thing?


Oxygen Not Included Screenshot 2022.12.24 -

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The problem here is that the airflow tile that the oxygen flows from is not protected. When carbon dioxide from those coal generators drops down into that room the carbon dioxide can get into the airflow tile and break the hydra.  Also carbon dioxide that falls down there has nowhere to escape to.

To prime the system you want to vacuum out the chamber with the gas pump in it and then get a little bit of hydrogen in there so there is only hydrogen in that chamber.

Might I interest you in a nice ezSPOM?  (Link in signature.)

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It is not obvious from the screen, is it Hydra (top left corner of electrolyzer covered with liquid while electrolyzer tutned off) or it is Hybrid (top left corner has gas)

If it is Hydra, then there are big mistake in a build. Tile above top-left corner must be covered by tile and tile above top-right must be empty not vice versa. Also, build with hydrogen on top is considered risky, because game try to push hydrogen to the left on game-load (exactly your situation). So, proper Hydra have hydrogen to the left and oxygen to the top.

Also, you have no cover for left side, so as soon as any other gas enters airflow tile, this system breaks.

Really, lazy variations of Hydra is not meant as proper oxygen machine. It is good to build on cycle 6 or 10 if you need urgently to create oxygen this way or to produce oxygen on new asteroid ASAP in critical circumstances. For any other situation, make either full-fledged Hydra, or better build Hybrid (or some SPOM)

On 12/24/2022 at 11:50 PM, HenrymcHen said:

Edit: How do I prime this damn thing?

Your second question about priming.

I recommend to rebuild it entirely for something more robust. But, if you want to save it as it is now:

Turn electrolyzer off.

Make sure, top left corner of electrolyzer is covered by liquid. Use material overlay and check there are no direct gas way from hydrogen chamber to left side.

Turn on pump and make top chamber vacuum.

Turn off pump.

Check left room is filled with oxygen. If there are CO2 - dig deeper and wait it to settle

Start electrolyzer.

If hydrogen go up -- you are lucky. If not -- repeat entire process in hope next time everything will be OK

But seriously, you loose more time than building proper or lazy Hybrid in its place

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