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Repeat Actions??

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I noticed after coming back to console that the feature to continually craft/cook/etc comes and goes for one reason or another. By which I mean that while crafting, I sometimes just have to spam the craft button and hold it and I can eventually keep crafting said item automatically. Though, for some reason this doesn't apply to feeding the bird in it's cage, or cooking over a campfire/furnace, etc. In the past before the March QOL you'd just have to open the menu and close it to perform this sort of thing, but now you can't? Sometimes...? Am I missing something? :wilson_confused:

(For context, I play alone in my long-term world on my Series X. I realize this is the PlayStation section but it's still on console).

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Wondering if more people have this issue on console, and to an extent if the devs know this issue is even a thing on the build/version they play/test on. Honestly kind of a bummer it's more or less the same since I last played some months ago.

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Hey there...

I don't think that cooking and feeding was a thing for console, It was a bug with the old Crafting UI, which let you keep cooking/feeding. Though with crafting an item it's in the game and you can still do it by holding L2 and double pressing X then just hold X. 

I really hope in the future we do actually get a QoL update, that let us perform these actions.

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1 hour ago, Mj- said:

I don't think that cooking and feeding was a thing for console, It was a bug with the old Crafting UI, which let you keep cooking/feeding.

The way you worded that confuses me somewhat. You say you're unsure if it was intended, but then say that it was really a bug and not a feature?

In any case it's sort of a bummer really, and raises more questions than answers if you're right about it being a bug they fixed with the March QOL. Some questions that come to mind at the moment are just... why? I guess? I mean, like, if the intent was to fix the bug by not letting us perform these repeated actions in the first place why can we still do them sometimes...? Why take it out in the first place if it wasn't a bad or overpowered thing? I mean, it makes as much sense as continually crafting and such repeatable actions (cooking, feeding, eating) are possible on the PC version of the game, so why did they choose to take it out of the console version? Was it even an intended change?

Upon looking back at the update post for console there was no mention of this bug or change in any sense March QOL (Xbox).

Three Wolfgang bug fixes, one for Bearger not spawning sometimes, and four fixes under "Bug Fixes" that make no mention of this. If I missed it please correct me. @JanH Can you please help clear any of this up? Anything would help if I'm being honest. :wilson_curious:

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