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Confusing Priority for Storage Bins

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I have several hundred hours of experience playing this game and have always understood the priority system well enough to avoid major issues with Dup errands, but I just noticed something today that doesn't make sense.

In the Duplicant Priorities menu if I set Supplying to a high or very high value it causes my Dupes to prioritize storage errands for Storage Bins. Consequently I thought that perhaps Storage Bins use the Supplying errand instead of the Storage errand. But what makes this confusing is that when I look at the Errand list on a Dupe, it shows the Storage Bin errand as the Current Errand with a type of "Storing" and a total priority value which is lower than other errands in the "To Do" list.

Are Storage Bins supposed to use the Supplying errand or the Storing errand? Am I encountering a bug or is there something here about the priority system that I am missing?

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A very good question.  I've always wondered about it myself.

What should qualify as storage in ONI? Just Storage Bins or do we include Conveyor Loaders and Automatic Dispensers that are not set to Sweep Only?

Why is there even a Storing errand for such a small scope? Is it Klei's intention for us to have massive banks of Storage Bins that are not set to sweep only to gather our debris?

As soon as I have Automatic Dispensers I set up an infinite 1 tile storage which necessitates the Dispenser be set to Sweep Only. After that the only Bins I use contain coal near the generators and submerged Bins for Bleach, Slime, Rot Pile and Polluted Dirt.  These errands could be supplying and tidying respectively.  Sometimes I use bins to move materials closer to wear a large project will be built before starting construction, which again is supplying rather than storing over the long term.

The priority system is rather... quirky.

Consider this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2632758219

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31 minutes ago, SharraShimada said:

The whole priority and task-system needs an overhaul. Some task where just been thrown somewhere and never changed afterwards. It just makes no sense for many tasks where the are sorted now.

Well, mostly it works but there are some spots were it does not and some spots were it is just plain confusing and unclear.

It seems to be pure priority based as well, with starvation, i.e. as long as there are higher priority tasks, lower ones never get done. The way to deal with that is to increase priority of tasks based on age. This is either not done or does not work as it should. 

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26 minutes ago, tuxii said:

Why is there even a Storing errand for such a small scope?

Afaik storage is for storage bins, bottle emptiers, fridges and critter feeders. It also seems to be for resources to repair stuff but i consider that a bug even though it was like this forever.

Still storage is not a small task. If you aren`t doing infinite storage pits then cleaning the floors of your base can take a lot of time and take multiple cycles to complete. I prefer it to be separate to delivery so my dupes do the important supply stuff first. On the other hand we got the regular priority system that would probably work just fine if supply and storage was merged.

Anyway there are multiple supply tasks that aren`t considered supply like supply for food production buildings(cooking) or for the kiln(operating). Probably more if we looked at it extensively. Some cleanup of this system should be done.

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