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Enchanting in DST

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First thing that comes to mind for me when you mention "enchanting" is this sort of mechanic in Minecraft. From what I know Minecraft's enchanting mechanic is just a lazy method for adding extra layers to existing items with min/max micromanagement lunacy instead of polishing and diversifying existing items and systems. For DS/DST Klei is better off improving multiple existing items we have to serve purposes you have described as is. Fire staff especially comes to mind as that item has very little practical use since fire does jack as a weapon and the item itself has laughable durability and effectiveness while being extremely easy to set things on fire with that you don't intend to. With multiple enchanted items of the same type you're going to end up with some people holding onto multiples of the same type and littering bases, chests and the world with them, as if item littering wasn't a problem enough. Simple, effective, unique and noteworthy mechanics is what we need more of so long as they don't completely break the game. If Klei can't do this, maybe it says something about them.

We already have a nightmare fuel filled magic system along with gem insertion for multiple items that could use with some polish and be used more on existing items instead of being stacked on top of with some generic enchantment concept, potentially overcomplicating things that don't need to be. I think reworking is better because it makes the item good straight out of the gate, not needing to do some extra voodoo magic to make it actually useful, which can potentially also artificially inflate gameplay time even further as a result of this lazy method. This game is a time sink in many aspects already, no need to have yet another potential avenue for it.

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I think considering the closest thing to enchanting we have in dst is warly’s food spices, and those are rarely used excluding people who give Wolfgang a spicy volt goat jelly then go “damage!!! Please nerf!!!” I don’t think enchantments would be very fun to use or even used at all unless they were super cheap.

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