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How could the rest of the DLC survivors be implemented?

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I read somewhere here that it's not planned to reintroduce the DLC characters as playable, so I've been wondering if there could be a way to see them again. Maybe they could be NPCs who could either trade like or give items to help, or just making cameos like dolls on Hallowed Nights or their skulls having a chance to be found on graves and ocean debris.

What could be the best way to bring them back?

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I'd love to see them as potential vendors with various items from their respective dlcs. The quests for Hamlet nps could be bounty type quests requiring the player to find a specific mob that is given random modifiers. Imagine a Warrior spider with 5x hp, 3x damage and has regen. You can find them using wheelers compass. 

Shipwrecked nps may require tracking and killing whales or finding treasure guarded by mobs. 

Wilba- Perhaps she could sell Hamlet structures such as the street lamps and iron? Doing quests for her could reward you currency for trading with her in the form of idols.

Wheeler- Could sell Hamlet exclusive weapons and armor. Sharing the same currency as Wilba.

Wilani- Various sea fearing items including perhaps a surfboard? Currency reward could be shells as they are in shipwrecked.

Woodlegs- Shipwreked weaponry such as cutlass supremes, cannons, and spear guns. Also using shells obtained from quests as currency.

Wilbur- Poop, that's it. Especially hot and fresh.

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9 hours ago, Just-guy said:

I read somewhere here that it's not planned to reintroduce the DLC characters as playable, so I've been wondering if there could be a way to see them again. Maybe they could be NPCs who could either trade like or give items to help, or just making cameos like dolls on Hallowed Nights or their skulls having a chance to be found on graves and ocean debris.

What could be the best way to bring them back?

monkey playable


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I think Klei would be missing a huge opportunity to make money if they did not bring these characters back as playable, unless they provide some actual lore reason as to why they aren’t in the game, they all should be.

And here’s why: Each of those characters have ALREADY got a fanbase, a group of people who actively want to play as them. Your question: Why not just play solo DS?

The Answer: Because DST has transcended past Solo DS into being it’s own thing.. a Sequel of Sorts, with many improvements and more fun abilities, but more importantly- SKINS & The ability to play with friends.

Wilbur, Wilba, Woodlegs, Walani, Wheeler & Wagstaff they all have skin potential to be in the game… 

As in: Hey Klei people who already enjoy playing these characters in Solo DS will probably also buy their skin & belongings sets if they were to come to DST.

I will do the wise thing and wait to see what happens. 

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