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Beefalo herds or Tooth traps: which to choose?

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So I'm getting close to 100 days in my Maxwell world, and my base is on the edge of a savannah biome. That has three good sized herds of beefalo in it. So far when a hound wave has happened while I was at base I just ran to one of the herds and they took care of it. My question is, should I just keep doing that or make an actual tooth trap area? 

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Houndius shootius is best solution for hounds by far, but I'm assuming youre relatively new, so I'd go with a bush hat + beefalo, or if one's nearby, a cave entrance. Going to the caves will stop hounds from spawning (they still bark but never show up). Bush hat and beefalo is a classic, but snurtle shells work too, and generally will be safer than bush hats.

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2 hours ago, DajeKotlyar said:

Traps are more efficient. If you have enough time - build a field.


I hate using beefalos because they might be in heat and that's another obstacle for you (unless you somehow always have a beefalo hat in hand) and also because it might take foreeeever until the hounds decide to go for them. 

Tooth trap minefields are a lot easier to handle - you just stand in the middle, wait a bit and collect the loot/reset the traps. Honestly it might be even faster than waiting for all those big beefs move out of the way so you can reach the doggos' loot.

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Switching to a tooth trap field will have the drawback of requiring to reset it every time, but the positives of killing them considerably faster, always being in the exact same spot, never periodically being aggressive to you, and never blocking you from picking up the loot.

Either one works.

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15 minutes ago, archidus said:

nless you somehow always have a beefalo hat in hand

or just dont be close to them. You can make circles arround their aggro range so the hounds get killed by the horney beefs

15 minutes ago, archidus said:

it might take foreeeever

nah. hounds are so agressive, they change aggro easly

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Should all else fail I recommend pigs or bunnymen (bunnymen are superior as they don't transform). You only need 3 -5, depends on how much fighting you want to do yourself. 

They aggro onto hounds easily and a single flingo will prevent them from burning due to fire hounds.

The cheapest method all around is an ornery beef with a butterfly or normal saddle. I honestly recommend just having a beef all the time if you're playing on a long lasting world. They save you on healing, armor and weapons. 

I don't recommend traps, ever. They just waist logs and rope. 

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