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Keybinds reset?

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Anyone else got their keybinds reset with update and unable to bind mouse button 3 4 5?

Also anyone else had problems launching game, insane crashes etc etc during testing phase? I literally can't even start this game 2nd time without restarting steam.

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7 hours ago, cpy said:

Anyone else got their keybinds reset with update and unable to bind mouse button 3 4 5?

Also anyone else had problems launching game, insane crashes etc etc during testing phase? I literally can't even start this game 2nd time without restarting steam.

...what kind of gaming mouse are you using? My mouse only has 3 buttons lol.

It appears that some mods are incompatible with the current release, so it's best to do a scorched earth approach and either rename or delete your mod folder so steam can reinstall them. (This automatically disables them so it allows the game to boot proper).

I had a problem where every time I tried to boot up the game I couldn't get past the Klei logo without it crashing and the Unity crash handler popping up. Deleting the mod folder fixed it.

This sort of thing is expected in EA, the game is basically thrown back into its infancy and we have to operate on the assumption that everything is going to break with each update, it's just the nature of piecemeal system implementation, we get to bug test the growing pains before the rest of the world gets it proper. :wilson_smile:

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4 hours ago, watermelen671 said:

...what kind of gaming mouse are you using? My mouse only has 3 buttons lol.

It probably has 5. The scroll-wheel really is 2 buttons (up/down). But I think a normalĀ USB HID "mouse" can only do 7 buttons (3 standard ones and 4 "device specific" bits that are usually the scroll-wheel and 2 optional extra buttons). For more they typically pack a 2nd USB device in there, usually a HID keyboard. I had a mouse that did this because it had full keyboard-like programming in the mouse itself, not the driver. Unfortunately confused my KVM switch and was hence unusable.

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