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Basic Rad Pill - Daily vs Curative

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Basic Rad Pills are currently set up to be a Daily intake.

We can manage which areas Duplicates tend to enter and who can take what Pills so Daily certainly works and they should work as a preventative.  After the latest patch and a new Colony I'm not having many issues with Radiation Balances so I'm unsure how well the preventative is currently working. 

Setting it up as a Curative would be easier to manage similar to the other Curatives and Medication but then we would loose the preventative.

What about both?  Basic Rad Pills for Duplicants that are frequently exposed to Radiation and a Curative for Duplicants with high levels of Radiation Balances or accidental exposure that is taken or treated as needed.

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My Problem with the daily intake is, it consumes too much coal, and dupes wont need it all the time at all. If you feed them see-food, they wont need pills to conquer low radiation. But they will also consume the pills, without any additional effect, consuming coal in vast amounts. 

This results in micromanaging this, which will either result in radiated dupes, because one forgets to give them pills, or they will just chew them like gums for fun.

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9 hours ago, The Plum Gate said:

Curative should be a different pill if not a treatment available at the sick bay or med chamber.

It's going to be wonderful when the vomit starts creating radioactive contaminants isn't it?

We have got "Radioactivate Waste" - What about having "Vomit" as fluid :confused:

Vomit could be used as a dung for faster plant and tree growth and perhaps used as a coolant. What would be greater than having a reactor cooled by vomit :confused::excitement::confused:

New food receipt: "Dried vomit cubes". A portion a day keeps the doctor away :afro:

image.png@Sigmok :lol:


Also, if we could produce straws ( wheat > hay > straw or made out of plastic ) ...then we could issue the command "Stick straw in to throat" for manual dupe vomit production. "Long straws" could also be used for snorkeling.

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