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"Unpermitted Food" even though they are permitted and have food

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There seems to be a bug where I keep getting the 'unpermitted food' notification even though everyone is allowed to eat the same thing, and we have something for them to eat, and they are able to reach the food. I've attached 3 screen shots showing the notification saying 3 dupes have unpermitted food, showing that they are only now allowed to have meal lice and raw meat, and then showing that there is over 80 grams of muckroot in the fridge, which they can access via the main vertical corridor.




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@LillyInverse, What's going on is that there is an unchecked column for meal lice and that's all you have to eat in that fridge.

Process the meal lice into liceloaf or let them eat it raw.

And yes, the columns are slightly crooked.

1 hour ago, Gurgel said:

What do you actually have in that fridge? Your screenshot only shows what is allowed in there, not what is really in there.

Actually, it shows the existing weight of that type next to that item now.

How are so many senior members missing this... :lol:

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I must be blind too cuz I also thought that it said 61 KG of muckroot (which they are allowed to eat). But why aren't they eating the muckroot? Like, at least ONE of them could be not-starving if they did. But the muckroot has been sitting in that fridge and they've been whining about not being allowed to eat for several cycles :C

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