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Spaced Out Thoughts

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I've played over 1000 hours of ONI. I like the "Spaced Out" DLC. But there is something wrong with it. I think it's a matter of balance and nothing fundamental. At least I hope so. My pet hate - the lime bottleneck, has been addressed (mostly) but, as I understand it, the whole reason for "Spaced Out" was to encourage rocketry and space exploration. So why no data/telescope/sensor module? It is ridiculous. You can send a spacecraft close to a planet one of your Dupes has teleported to but not get quite close enough to drop the supplies needed to build a landing area. There seems to be a range limit to your home telescope - fair enough, but please give us the ability to extend that range. Or did I miss something?

Minor things - seed numbers now often appear as 1.6617328 or similar. Changing refrigerator max contents appears to have no effect whatsoever once it has exceeded your adjusted limit.

It is still too difficult to acquire lime.

Research rate is far too quick (IMHO)

Where on earth is the Hydrogen Engine?

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52 minutes ago, Tones said:

So why no data/telescope/sensor module?

My understaning is that it will be added later

52 minutes ago, Tones said:

please give us the ability to extend that range

You can put telescope inside the rocket. extends range really nice

53 minutes ago, Tones said:

Where on earth is the Hydrogen Engine?

My understaning is that it will be added later. Probably with other types of engines (radioactive one?)

Please remember that the DLC is currently in early access and many things will probably change or will be added :)

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10 minutes ago, Tones said:

Or did I miss something?

First of all, the forum for spaced out DLC discussion...  but anyways..

DLC is still in "early access" meaning nothing is "wrong", just nothing is finished yet. (For me, it was like a completely different game the first time I started a colony compared to the base game)

Rocketry is earlier on in the game now. There is no steel limitations or data bank requirements to progress in space. There is also no meteor showers in order to test space more. (I didn't understand what the problem was for your rocket and the "teleport" planet (planetoid No.3) if you could explain more.. I think both CO2 and sugar engine rockets can reach it)

You can put telescopes inside rockets (for the moment at least) until other modules/updates are available (there will probably be a cartography or something module for exploration at some point.. probably..?)

Seeds are eaten by pacu and that causes fractions of a seed to appear.

Storages (not only refrigerators) don't change their capacity if you just change their max bar, you have to empty them and request to fill them again.

Steel is not so demanding like the base game for space travel/protection. (If that is your concern about lime)

Research (I think..) made rockets possible earlier just because. That was the point  (at least for now) in the DLC: make rocketry earlier possible

Did I forget something? Oh.. hydrogen engine.. How exactly would you power that without supercoolant....?! (I mean can you make liquid hydrogen another way...? Easily..?)

They managed to have a completely different system for rockets in DLC, two new biomes and planetoid exploration. I expect there are many updates and testing to come until any of that is completely finished and there is still more content to be added (nuclear). I would advice you to be patient but I'm also so impatient to see what is next.. :hopelessness:.. I will just hope I explained/answered some of your questions :-)

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The game isn`t done yet. There`s a lot of things waiting to be added. Hydrogen engine is one. I think they want to redo the tech tree or at least the 3rd tier research so they didn`t add too many lategame things. They confirmed they`ll add stuff from the base game so the hydrogen engine will surely come back.

A telescope module was datamined so will likely come. For now we discovered a semi exploit that the telescope works inside rockets (when close to walls) and the devs are ok with this funcionallity for now.

There is no reason to drop resources on the teleporter asteroid as you can use the resource teleporters to get them. Still there is a special module for droping resources in sealed cans and a CO2 engine rocket should be able to do that.

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On 2/4/2021 at 8:51 PM, Tones said:

I've played over 1000 hours of ONI. I like the "Spaced Out" DLC. But there is something wrong with it. I think it's a matter of balance and nothing fundamental. At least I hope so.


Every feedback is of value and has reason(s).

To my surprise the "Radiation DLC" was (will be) a rework of the base game ( still work in progress combining the base game with the DLC ). I took the pill and time sedated myself and will gladly await the day when the merging is "complete". Never would I have imagined to stop playing ONi because of a DLC release. Having a DLC with "removed" base game content was an entirely new concept for me and contradicted the previous ONi development on adding new content on top of existing content per update.

If Klei combines the DLC with the base very well ( full world generation options, option to play big base game maps, radiation/reactors, all rocketry base game items, stable new single savegame system base+dlc combined and whatever issues and requests other players have) then it should reflect in the Steam reviews by perhaps having the Steam reviewers upgrading the DLC to "Overwhelmingly positive".

It is up to Klei to fail or master the perfect mix of the base game and the DLC.

IMHO the total of all Steam reviews is a good reflection of a close and objective game valuation.


There more specific players state their expectations, the more fine grained Klei can consider opinions.

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