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Please klei I need to know!

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I am currently trying to make a tree fully decorated with boss decorations for each boss. On ps4 the winters feast event continues even now. Will the event be over after the weekend?  I need to know if I can sleep these next two days or not lol.

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Is still on-going last I checked.. but the Xbox live events app said it would officially end on Jan 22, it is now Jan 23.. if Klei sticks to regular update schedules of Thursday- then it will be shut off on Jan 28

However I have my fingers crossed that it will be turned off sooner and we may get the update on a Monday/Tuesday instead of the expected Thursday.

Either way with all the sad and negative energy in most the threads on the forums right about now I could use some news to really cheer me up. I’m hoping for a new Roadmap to be made soon that can fill my heart and soul with much hope & joy.

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I'm glad I very recently accomplished more or less everything I wanted to during Winters Feast as I cannot bring myself to play right now...

I can say that I was pretty happy that it got extended for so long for Consoles.. I got a bunch of awesome skins and massively improved my world in many ways.

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