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How does game choose your first three duplicants

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  1. Player: Select occupation
  2. Duplicants
    • Among 29 duplicants, select one



  3. Traits 
    • Choose a negative trait and a positive trait
    • If the rarity difference between two traits is too big (>1 level), back to 2
      • e.g.
      • UR-SR=2 level, back to 2;
      • R-N=1 level, pass
    • If the conflict traits of one includes the other, back to 2
  4. Select Attributes
    • Select 1~3 attributes. Avoid Conflict Attributes
      • If occupation is selected, then the first attribute must be that one.
      • If occupation is Conflict Attributes, back to 2
  5. Attributes Points
    • Base on the number of attributes, add base attributes points.
      • 1 attribute : +7
      • 2 attributes: +3 for each
      • 3 attributes: +1 for each
    • Calculate the sum of Traits Bonus Attributes.
    • Randomly distribute the sum to selected attributes
      • If the sum is less than one, then skip the distribution step


Traits Sheet




 How does Printing Pod choose duplicant?


You'd better not know too much, or you will lose fun

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I find myself rejecting about 95% or more of duplicants. The traits and interest system is pretty bad. Some negative traits have no real impact, others have a large impact or are annoying to deal with. Some positive traits are irrelevant, others are pretty good. There is no reason not to wait for duplicants with a good positive trait and a good negative trait, as well as relevant interests.

A good traits and interest system would offer meaningful and interesting choices and not be a game of waiting for a duplicant with the right combination of good stats. If coming up with such system is too hard, it would be better to at least remove the most and least desirable traits so as to not incentivize tedious waiting.

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